Hold On (Part 2)

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They arrived at the hospital, and Oikawa was immediately rushed into the Emergency Room while Atsumu stood outside the door, waiting for the doctors to tell him Oikawa was okay. He sat outside with his hands clutched together when someone sat beside him, he turned to check who it is, and his blood started to boil.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Atsumu asked, trying to control the anger in his voice.

Iwaizumi glared at him while Sakusa, who accompanied Iwaizumi, watched them silently.

"What did they say about Tooru?" Iwaizumi asked, his voice laced in genuine concern, and it made Atsumu want to vomit.

"You're the reason why he's here, and you have the audacity to ask me that?" Atsumu asked, his voice laced in venom as his stares throw daggers at him.

"That's not the question, Miya, just answers Iwaizumi properly," Sakusa says, his voice full of authority, and it made Atsumu feel restricted again. The same feeling of restriction he felt when they were still together.

"Fuck off, you're not even involved in this," Atsumu says while glaring at Sakusa, something he's always been afraid of doing.

"I'm Iwaizumi's friend. What did you expect? Now, get out of the way, Miya, this isn't your problem," Sakusa says, making Atsumu clench his jaw and fist his hands.

"Well, I'm Oikawa's friend, so there's nothing you can do about that," Atsumu scoffs and gives Sakusa the fakest smile he could offer.

Sakusa rolls his eyes, and they were enveloped in silence after. Neither talked as they wait for the doctors to come out. Atsumu's eyes darted towards his company and sighs. He wanted to shoo them away, but he didn't have the energy to do so, so he walks away and asks for one of the paramedics who accompanied them in the ambulance to have the guards kick them out.

The paramedic looked at Atsumu before looking at the two unknowing men standing outside the Emergency Room. The paramedic was aware of what had transpired between the four of them while Oikawa was being rushed inside the ambulance. She was also aware of why Oikawa is currently inside the Emergency Room. Hence, she nods and calls for the guards, asking them to assist the two men out of the hospital.

Atsumu watched as Iwaizumi and Sakusa were assisted outside. Iwaizumi was throwing a fit, screaming and cursing as the guards take them away, while Sakusa silently complied and moved as far as he is allowed to from the guards.

Relief settles in Atsumu's chest, and he thanks the paramedic for her service. Atsumu returns outside of the Emergency Room, and after a few hours of waiting, Oikawa was brought out and transferred to a private room.

Atsumu trailed behind the nurses and doctors, waiting for them to tell him anything. A few minutes passed, and the doctors turned to him to tell him that Oikawa had a concussion from having his head hit something hard. Aside from the concussion, the doctors also had to remove shards of broken glass that sunk into Oikawa's skin. Atsumu closed his eyes as he tries to push the mental image away. He didn't want to imagine what Iwaizumi had done, and he didn't want to think about how he had the guts to do that to the person who loved him for years.

Atsumu continued to listen despite his head throbbing in pain. He listened to how he can help Oikawa with simple things and help clean his wound if the brunette didn't want the nurses to do it. Atsumu listened carefully, making sure he doesn't miss a single detail, before thanking the doctors and allowing them to leave.

Atsumu was left with an unconscious Oikawa lying on a hospital bed with dextrose connected to the back of his hand. Atsumu took one of Oikawa's hands in his as he waits for the brunette to wake up.

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