Forgotten (BokuAka)

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Day of 4 of Haikyuu Angst Week
Tier 1, 2, and 3: Broken Promises, Illness, and "I wish this never happened."


Bokuto regrets the day he asked Akaashi to go out with him that one rainy afternoon. If only he didn't beg Akaashi to go out and listened to him, then maybe Akaashi wouldn't have been caught in that car accident, and Akaashi wouldn't have forgotten him. Bokuto could remember the first time he entered Akaashi's room. It's been three days since they got into a car accident, and that day was the first time Bokuto was allowed to leave his hospital room. He peeked into Akaashi's room and saw him sitting, leaning on the wall as he reads a book. Bokuto beamed when he saw that he seemed alright, at least based on what he's seeing. He decided to go in and chat with him.

"Ji!" Bokuto yelled and ran to Akaashi, one arm waving while his cast restricted the other. Akaashi looked at him with a confused expression. Bokuto's hand fell on his side, and he gulped. Something was wrong, he couldn't pinpoint what exactly it is, but it made him feel anxious.

"Ji," He whispered and sat on Akaashi's bed. As the mattress sunk because of Bokuto's weight, Akaashi scooted further to the side. Bokuto felt his heart clench when he could see that Akaashi was uncomfortable. He bit his bottom lip and stood up to give Akaashi the space he needed. His eyes were glued to the ground as he purses his lips, thinking Akaashi's mad at him, and he has every right to be.

"Ji, I'm sorry about-" Bokuto was startled when Akaashi cut him off. He quickly raised his head and stared at him. The question that left Akaashi's lips kept ringing in his head.

"Who are you?" Bokuto took a deep breath. He chuckled nervously and responded with, "it's me, Bokuto, your boyfriend,"

Akaashi furrowed his brows, "I have a boyfriend?" He asks, the question directed to himself and not the person standing beside his bed. Bokuto quickly sat back on Akaashi's bed and reached out to caress his face, but Akaashi flinched before he could even touch his face. Bokuto retracted his hand and asked, "Are you mad at me? Is this how you're gonna show your anger? Keiji, I'm sorry, I really am,"

Akaashi scrunched his nose and furrowed his eyebrows as he massages his temple. Bokuto could see that he had a headache, so he stood up and poured Akaashi a glass of water. It was obvious to everyone that Akaashi knew Bokuto well, but not everyone knew that Bokuto knew Akaashi well too. Bokuto could tell what Akaashi was feeling based on his mannerisms, and Akaashi admitted that it made him happy that Bokuto could read him based on his body language.

"Thank you," Akaashi says and takes the glass from Bokuto's hand. The bi-colored haired man stood beside the bed again, not wanting to do anything that made Akaashi feel uncomfortable.

"Keiji, I mean, Akaashi," The name rolled out of his tongue weirdly. It's been years since he last called Akaashi by his last name and suddenly, using it in this particular situation made him feel uneasy.

"What is it, Bokuto-san?" Bokuto should feel nostalgic after hearing Akaashi call him by his last name with the honorifics attached. He should feel warm and fuzzy, the same way he felt way back in high school. But it didn't, because the warmth that wrapped his name before was gone. The soft tone Akaashi usually used to call Bokuto's name back in high school wasn't there. All Bokuto could hear was the coldness and indifference of a stranger calling out his name, and he hated how it felt like his name didn't just slip past Akaashi's lips.

"Could you tell me what you remember?" Bokuto asked. Akaashi furrowed his eyebrows and shook his head, "I'm sorry, Bokuto-san, but the doctor said I lost my memories,"

Bokuto gulped, "is there a way for you to get them back?"

"I'm not sure, but the doctors are still trying to figure out what type of amnesia I have," Akaashi answered. Bokuto nodded and ran his hand through his hair.

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