The Worst Thing (AranKita)

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Day 6 of Haikyuu Angst Week
Tiers 1 and 3: First and Lasts & "The worst thing, even after everything, is I still love you/I don't regret anything."


Aran had always admired Kita from afar. He'd always watch how Kita would do everything diligently, deal with the twins and Suna, how he cared for everyone, and how he played whenever he was subbed into the court. No matter what Kita was doing, Aran had his eyes on him. He was aware that what he was feeling wasn't admiration anymore. It was more than that. It was love. So, he did everything he could to be with Kita. He'd join him in cleaning the shower rooms, he'd wipe the used balls beside him, he'd talk to him about his grandmother, and he'd lock up the gym with him. Aran did everything he could to be closer to Kita, but no matter how hard he tried, he could never get Kita's full attention.

"Where's Kita?" Aran asked. It was unusual for Kita to miss wiping the balls they used or mopping the floor, so it made him wonder if something was wrong. Suna raised his head and looked at him, "I think he's with Atsumu,"

Aran felt his heart constrict. As much as he didn't want to feel any negative emotion towards Atsumu, he couldn't help but feel jealous. He took a deep breath and shook his head. He shouldn't feel jealous, he kept repeating that same line to erase what he was feeling, but it meant nothing when he saw Kita smiling at Atsumu. He could see how Kita's eyes glinted as he looks at Atsumu.

Aran returned to the gym and saw everyone staring at him, "I thought you went to go get Kita?" Osamu asked, his head resting on Suna's shoulder as he eats his Onigiri. Aran faked a smile and sat beside Omimi, "he's with Atsumu,"

Aran watched as everyone, except Osamu, created an expression that says, "that makes sense," Aran could feel his chest tighten, but there's nothing he can do about it because it seems like Atsumu and Kita were meant to be a couple. The two came in with a smile on their faces, and they were met with teasing from their team, including Aran himself. It hurts to blurt out teases when your jealous but Aran managed. The teasing continued. Atsumu was yelling at everyone with a blush on his face while Kita stood beside him, with his eyes glued to the ground, pink dusting his cheeks.

"So, are you guys together?" Suna asked monotonously, eyes raised to look at the two. Aran didn't want to hear the answer, but he didn't have a choice. He can't just leave.

"Not yet," Atsumu answered after clicking his tongue. Aran's eyes darted towards Kita, who blushed harder as everyone cheers. Aran wanted to be happy for them, but his broken heart won't allow it.

"Yet?" Osamu asked and raised a brow. Atsumu rolled his eyes and answered, "well, still talk about it after I return from the training camp,"

The team laughed, so Aran decided to fake a laugh; while everyone laughed at their choice, Aran's heart broke.

"What's there to talk about?" Akagi asked as he wipes his tears.

"Yeah, you guys are already obvious," Ginjima added, and they did a high-five. Aran wanted to tell them to stop, but he didn't have the right to.

"I want to court Kita properly, so shut yer traps!" Atsumu yelled, and everyone released an "ooooh." Aran wanted to leave the gym. He didn't want to hear any teasing anymore. But just as he was about to walk out of the gym, Kita spoke, "alright, it's time for practice."

Aran was thankful that Kita decided to start practice when he did, but the smile Kita gave Atsumu didn't escape Aran's notice. He felt his heart shatter but decided to ignore it. He walked to the court and thought that maybe practice would distract him, but it didn't. Because with every perfect set Atsumu does, he'd glance at Kita with a proud grin on his face as if to tell him that it was for him. But what hurts Aran wasn't the grin on Atsumu's face. It was the small, proud smile Kita gives him every time.

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