Goodbye (IwaOi)

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Day 2 of Haikyuu Angst Week 2020
Prompt: Phone calls, Texts, Insecurities, "Was I ever enough?"


Oikawa never knew what entailed his decision to go to Argentina. All he knew was he was chasing his dream. He wasn't aware that going after something you've always wanted to attain would mean having constant panic attacks. The first time Oikawa experienced a panic attack was when he got lost in Buenos Aires. Oikawa barely knew how to speak more or less understand Spanish when he lost his map and had to ask locals where he had to go to. He kept messing up the language, and he'd continuously receive glances thrown his way. He could feel his breathing go faster, and his head started spiraling to a dark space. Oikawa was all too familiar with the palpitation, chest pain, and nausea. He quickly pulled his phone out of his pocket, his hand trembling as he reaches in. He pressed the speed dial, and just as he started to feel dizzy, the person on the other line picked up.

"What is it? You do know it's night time in Japan, don't you?" Iwaizumi asked in an irritated tone. His voice was deep and husky, an indication that he just woke up. Oikawa gasped for air as he puts his hand on his chest. No one seemed to care that Oikawa was panting and gasping for air in the middle of the busy street of Buenos Aires because no one dared to approach him.

"Ha-" Oikawa started, but the chest pain he was feeling was so strong that he couldn't speak.

"Tooru, where are you? Are you alright?" Iwaizumi asked, his voice sounded panicked, and Oikawa answered by furiously shaking his head even though Iwaizumi couldn't see.

"Tooru, breathe with me," Iwaizumi instructed. Oikawa nodded and listened to Iwaizumi's instructions. Iwaizumi guided him to take slow breaths as he inserts a few encouraging words and praises in between until Oikawa was back to being okay.

During the first days of Oikawa's stay in Argentina, he discovered that he could only sleep while listening to Iwaizumi because of separation anxiety. Oikawa explained it to Iwaizumi, and they agreed to call and text until Oikawa gets used to Argentina. It took months for Oikawa to settle in, but it was worth it because he could do things independently by the time he reached his anniversary of staying in Argentina. He didn't need to call Iwaizumi to lull him to sleep anymore, nor did he need to be on the phone with Iwaizumi when he goes to unfamiliar places. Though Oikawa's independence resulted in lessened calls and messages, they still stuck to their daily calls at eight in the evening, Japan standard time.

The distance didn't seem to bother them during the first two years, but as time passed and they got older, they got busier, which meant spending less time calling and messaging each other. Oikawa thought everything was fine, not until he called Iwaizumi one evening. They haven't talked to each other for almost two days. Oikawa just needed to hear Iwaizumi's voice after a rough day of training with his college seniors.

"Hey, Hajime," Oikawa whispered, he was sitting on his couch, and he had his phone propped on the coffee table so he could eat while calling Iwaizumi. It was morning in Japan, but Oikawa still decided to call him because he knew it was Iwaizumi's free time.

"Hey," Iwaizumi replied. There was a moment of silence as Oikawa waits for Iwaizumi to settle. He didn't seem to be on campus because he saw a bed, but it wasn't the same one that Oikawa was familiar with. He wanted to ask about it but chose not to when Iwaizumi spoke. "What made you call?"

"I just wanted to hear you," Oikawa answered, "We had a rough training session earlier, and I feel like shit after missing a few sets,"

Iwaizumi sighed, "it's okay. It happens sometimes," he said. Oikawa smiled at him and propped his elbows on his knees.

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