Hold On: Bonus Chapter (Closure)

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The spectators' cheers echo in the gym as the players enter. It's been years since the incident at Hyogo, but this is the first time all four of them met as a coach and players of their national teams. 

"Are you ready?" Iwaizumi turns to Kiyoomi and sees him nod, "Yeah, you?"

Iwaizumi nods. He gives Kiyoomi a small smile and squeezes his shoulder, "it's time we finally fix the problems we made,"


They walked into the court, their eyes set on the players entering from the other side. They can feel their hearts racing as they watch Tooru and Atsumu enter with a smile on their faces. They made eye contact with each other, but it didn't last long, which was expected considering the history they share.

The game proceeds with all four of them prioritizing the game instead of their pasts, and despite the changes that happened to them in the past years, there's one thing that didn't change, and that's their love and skills for volleyball. Though they were never there for each other when they returned to volleyball, all four of them couldn't help but feel proud when they saw each other doing well.

The game ends with Argentina's win. The crowd cheers, and Sakusa and Iwaizumi watch Atsumu and Tooru accept their gold medals on the podium, "what now?" Sakusa can hear the anxiety in Hajime's voice.

"We talk to them," Sakusa answers as casually as he could, "won't they run away?" Sakusa shrugs his shoulder, "we won't know unless we try,"

Atsumu and Tooru were talking to their teammates when Tooru gently elbows Atsumu, "what's wrong?" Tooru points towards the two men approaching them, "it's happening," Atsumu clicks his tongue and nods, "yeah,"

Iwaizumi and Kiyoomi stop in front of them. They stared at each other with awkwardness until Kiyoomi decided to break it, "it's been a while,"

"Yeah," Atsumu doesn't know how to respond. He's sure none of them knows how to act in this situation.

Iwaizumi takes a deep breath. He can't let things end up with them not talking. This talk was something they all needed for closure. A talk that needed to happen for them to close the horrible chapters of their lives because even if they decide to cut each other off their lives, they're still shallowly connected through volleyball, "we wanted to talk to both of you, separately,"

Tooru turns to look at Atsumu to ask him if he's okay with it. Atsumu takes Tooru's hand in his and gives it a tight squeeze as reassurance that he's fine talking to Kiyoomi alone.

"Sure," Atsumu and Tooru smile before they part with Tooru following Hajime and Atsumu following Kiyoomi. They didn't stray far from each other. They made sure to choose a crowded area of the gym to make sure Atsumu and Tooru would feel secure.

"So, how are you?" Tooru asks, making Iwaizumi turn his gaze towards him. He gives Tooru a small smile, "fine, I guess, how about you?"

Tooru smiles, "great,"

Silence follows after the small talk. Tooru didn't want to carry the conversation. Iwaizumi wanted to talk to him, so he should be the one to keep the conversation going. Tooru keeps his mouth shut and waits for what Iwaizumi wanted to tell him.

"I'm sorry," Iwaizumi stares straight into Tooru's eyes as he apologizes, "I know I've said this before, but I really mean it this time. I'm sorry,"

Oikawa smiles, he could feel the sincerity in the way Hajime looks at him, and this time, it felt like forgiveness was something he could give, "Apology accepted, but that doesn't mean I'll forget everything you did to me,"

Iwaizumi nods. He understands. He wasn't apologizing to erase whatever fault he has. He's apologizing to let Tooru know that he regrets what he did, "your forgiveness is enough,"

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