Nightmare - Seungjin

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Little: Seungmin
Caregiver: Hyunjin

It was quiet.

Too quiet for Seungmins liking.

It was 2am when Seungmin had woken up from that awful nightmare, 2am when he had slipped into his headspace from the scare, and 2am when he started crying and mumbling reassurances to himself about how his dream wasn't real.

The silence didn't help. Silence allowed Seungmin to hear the scary things, the ticking clock, the ringing in his own ears, the tree branch tapping against the window that's most likely the scary monster trying to get Seungmin's attention to eat him–

'happy thoughts, happy thoughts,' Seungmin sniffled as he thought to himself, 'da monster can't eat me because hyunnie here too.' Seungmin, once he realized what he just thought, let out a very quiet, happy and surprised gasp. Hyunnies here too! Surely he'll know how to protect Seungmin from all the scary monsters that were trying to eat him.

Seungmin looked across the room and found a peacefully sleeping Hyunjin, but lost his confidence in waking him up when he saw how peacefully the older was laid on his bed. Seungmin didn't want to bother Hyunjins relaxed figure. He didn't want to tear him from his dream like his nightmare had done for him, so instead, Seungmin decided to stay put in his own bed. He opted to try and cuddle up with daengmo, his favorite stuffed dog, and fall back asleep, but every time he closed his eyes all he could see was the nightmare that had woken him up just mere moments ago.

Letting out a small whimper, Seungmin curled further into himself hoping to hide from the images that kept popping into his head, to hide his pitiful sobs, though he wasn't doing a great job at keeping his sobs quiet. He knew Hyunjin was a fairly light sleeper, so Seungmin could only hope that Hyunjin would stay—

"Minnie? Are you ok?"


Hearing Hyunjins raspy voice ask the one singular worst question known to mankind instantly made him forget all of his previous concerns.

Seungmin let out a loud sob before peaking his bloodshot eyes out from the comfort of his covers to look over at Hyunjin who was looking right back at him.

Seeing the concerned and empathetic look on Hyunjins face only made Seungmin cry more than he already was. He fully burst into tears and without thinking he ripped his blanket off of his body and went straight to Hyunjin. Seungmin all but crashed onto Hyunjins bed earning a loud 'oof' from Hyunjin himself.

Hyunjin wasted no time in trying to corral the small boy into his bed. Hyunjin lifted his comforter as an invitation and Seungmin practically nose dived into his arms. Hyunjin moved the two of them around a bit to get more comfortable and wrapped his arms around Seungmins middle to let him snuggle up closer.

"What happened baby? Why are you so sad?" Hyunjin asked while letting his hands run through Seungmins tangled hair. Hyunjin didn't get an immediate response, but waited patiently until Seungmin was ready to answer. Seungmin let out a small whine before moving his head out of the warmth and safety that Hyunjins chest brought him before responding.

"minnie had a bad dweam," Seungmin lowered his head so his right cheek was lying on Hyunjin's chest, his teary eyes looking into Hyunjins.

"Aww sweetie I'm sorry you had a bad dream. Did the dream scare you baby?" Hyunjin asked, his hand still running through the tangled mess of Seungmins hair, being careful not to force his way through any big knots. Seungmin nodded against Hyunjins chest in response to his question

"Would you like to tell hyunnie about it, or do you wanna go back to sleep?" Hyunjin asked, his voice still groggy from waking up not long ago, before placing a soft kiss on Seungmins forehead.

"minnie dweam that monsters take minnie away to eat. thought that da monsters were gonna give minnie something to eat, but then da monsters said that they was gonna eat me and," Seungmin let out a loud sob, his tears returning now that he's revisiting the memories of his nightmare, "and said minnie was never gonna see his hyungies ever again." Hyunjin pulled the sobbing boy closer to his chest–if that was even possible–and started mumbling soft reassurances to his crying baby.

"That must have been so scary sweetheart, Hyunnie is sorry that you had to go through such a scary dream all by yourself," Hyunjin reached over Seungmin to his nightstand so he could grab a tissue before placing it by Seungmin's nose, "blow for me sweets." The loud sound of something was heard throughout the room as Seungmin blew his nose into the now dampened tissue.

"Your Hyungies will always be here for you sweetheart. Hyunnie won't let any monster take you away from us." Hyunjin lightly tossed the used tissue on his nightstand, planning on disposing of it properly later. As Hyunjin relaxed his upper body back down on his bed, he caught sight of Seungmin letting out a big yawn.

"Are you tired sweetheart? Do you wanna try going back to bed?" Hyunjin asked while grabbing Seungmin's puppy plushie that was on the opposite side of the bed from when Seungmin practically flung himself onto him earlier before presenting the plush to the young boy who eagerly grabbed the plush and held it close.

"wan' sweep more pwease. will hyunnie keep da scawy dweam monsters away?" Seungmin asked while slightly pouting his bottom lip.

"Of course I will, baby. You'll be safe as long as you're in Hyunnies arms. That's a promise." Hyunjin said, lifting up his hand and extending his pinky toward Seungmin. In response the younger quickly lifted up his own and interlocked their pinkies together to seal their promise.

Hyunjin gave a loving smile toward Seungmin as the younger settled himself back into a comfortable sleeping position within Hyunjin's arms.

Hyunjin wrapped his arms more securely in response and placed a soft kiss to the top of Seungmin's head. That was all Seungmin needed before he was able to drift off to sleep once more, his dreams now filled with love and his hyungies.


✨Hope you enjoyed!✨ :]

It has been a hot minute since I've posted 🥲 I hope you all are doing well! Are any of you guys going to see Stray Kids in concert? I sadly won't be able to, but if any of you do I hope you have a blast! :]

Anyway, have a nice day!! :]

Edited: 091523 :]

Edited: 011124 :]

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