Christmas special - 2min x skz

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Littles: Seungmin and Minho
Caregivers: skz

It was Christmas Eve, just one day before Christmas. Seungmin and Minho were both so excited that Christmas was almost here. They both woke up super early that day, around 6 in the morning, too excited to fall back asleep and decided they would put their time to use.

They had seen Felix bake cookies many times and decided it would be a great idea to make some for their caregivers, to show them how much they love and appreciate them.

Once they got all the needed ingredients they started making their cookies. The two tried to be as careful as they could in an attempt to not make a mess, but we all know that would be impossible.

One moment they were neatly mixing together the eggs and butter, the next moment there was flour all over the floor and all over themselves as they tried adding it into the mixing bowl.

They started giggling to themselves quietly, since they didn't want to wake anyone up, while looking at the mess they made. They figured it wouldn't be that big of a deal if there was a small mess.

Once they finished shaping the dough into not-so-even round balls and putting them in the oven they gave each other a high five, proud of their hard work.

They did their best to clean up, but somehow the flour that was scattered on the floor was only spread out further with the broom, the egg shells were smashed on both the table and the ground, and somehow (don't ask me how) there was even some cookie dough that got stuck on the ceiling. It was a bit of a mess.

Once they heard the ding to the alarm, indicating that the cookies were done, Minho went to immediately grab it, complete forgetting about needing oven mitts only to be yelled at by Seungmin.

"wait! don' do dat!! you gon' get burned!" Seungmin yelled as he swatted Minho's hand away from the oven before grabbing the oven mitts himself. Putting on the oven mitts, Seungmin grabbed the cookies and placed them on the counter to cool off.

They definitely weren't the prettiest looking cookies, but Seungmin and Minho made them with the love they have for their caregivers so they were bound to be delicious.

"we gotta decowate dem." Minho said quietly as he held up some frosting. Seungmin nodded his head in agreement.

It took them awhile but once they finished they were really proud of themselves. They managed to spell out 'to da bestest daddies' each letter on a different cookie.

Hearing the ruckus from downstairs woke up the other members of stray kids, and seeing as it was almost 7am they were not very happy about being woken up.

Felix was the first one to come down, and stopped in his tracks when he saw the mess in the kitchen. Now usually Felix would be the last one to get angry in this situation, but when woken up at 7am on a day off and having the kitchen look like a disaster he lost it.

The two littles heard him come in, and turned around expecting to be praised for their hard work and dedication, but once they saw the look in Felixs eyes, they knew they were done for.

"What on earth is going on here! Not only did you guys make me wake up so freaking early in the morning but you wake me up to you making a mess in the kitchen?!?!?!?! You guys are in so much trouble!!" Felix yelled, too frustrated to noticing how the two started tearing up, holding each other tightly while feeling scared of their caregiver.

Soon enough the rest of the members made their appearance downstairs and were met with the same sight that Felix saw and were equally as upset and agreed on punishing the two.

They were both taken to the timeout corner where They were told by Chan, "Don't come out until the timer goes off."

Seungmin and Minho were both very upset with the fact that not only did their caregivers not like their surprise but also that they were being punished for it. They didn't think they would be punished for trying to make their daddies happy.

While the other members of stray kids were cleaning up the kitchen Jisung took notice of the cookies and even saw the little message written on them.

"Uhhh... Guys?... I think we messed up big time." Jisung stated as he realized what the message said.

"What do you mean hyung? Those two trouble makers deserve to be in time out after making this mess." Jeongin said, frustration taking over as he tried getting the cookie dough off the ceiling.

"Take a look at what the cookies say." Jisung said, feeling even more guilty hearing the sobbing coming from the time out corner.

"Huh? What cookies?" Changbin asked, confused as to what Jisung was talking about.

"The ones that are literally sitting right here on the counter." Jisung said, moving aside for the rest of stray kids to see. Once they all read the message, a look of sadness instantly made its way onto all of their faces.

"We didn't even let them explain themselves," Hyunjin started, sadness evident in his voice, "We're definitely not the bestest daddies ever if we didn't even let them do that." Hyunjin started tearing up a bit, feeling guilty that his poor babies were being punished for something that was as trivial as a mess. Seeing Hyunjin cry wasn't a suprise to the rest of the members, as they knew he wore his heart on his sleeve.

Without thinking, Hyunjin quickly made his way over to where the littles were, feeling his heart clench as he saw their tear stained faces. He immediately hugged the two as he felt his own tears trail down his face, the rest of the members quickly following behind him.

"We're so so so so sorry for punishing you two, we didn't see the cookies you guys made until just now. We're so sorry for not being good caregivers and punishing you when you didn't deserve it." Hyunjin said kissing Seungmin and Minho on the top of their heads. The two littles quickly shook their heads in disagreement.

"nooo, our daddies da bestest daddies eber!" Minho shouted, Seungmin nodded in agreement making grabby hands wanting to be picked up by Hyunjin.

Without a second thought, hyunjin lifted the boy into his arms. Once placed on hyunjins hip, Seungmin was quick to nuzzle his head into the orders neck mumbling a quiet 'I love you.'

Minho, who had just lost the warmth of hyunjin, started looking up at chan, who was the closest one to him and made grabby hands for him to pick him up.

Chan instantly picked the boy up and kissed his forehead while the small boy cuddled up into his chest.

Soon enough everyone found themselves on the big couch in the living room eating the cookies made by the littles while watching home alone, the littles curled up with their caregivers as they enjoyed the movie laughing when the burglars get injured.

The remains if the mess in the kitchen could wait until later.

Hope you enjoyed :3
Have a merry Christmas! :)))))

Edited: 091523 :]

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