Wisdom teeth - 2min

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Little: Seungmin
Caregiver: Minho

Requested by: @crushonimnayeon

It was early Friday morning when Seungmin got his wisdom teeth removed, and he was currently being driven home by Minho. Seungmin, fresh out of surgery, was pretty loopy from the medication given to him by the doctors.

"Aw we home yet?" Seungmin asked, his words being muffled by the gauze in his mouth. "Not yet Seungminnie, we still have about another five minutes until we get home." Minho replied momentarily looking at Seungmin before placing his eyes back on the road.

"why do I hab yucky gum in my mouf?" Seungmin asked, a look of confusion drawn on his face.

"Sweetheart that's not gum, you have gauze in your mouth. The doctor gave you some to help with the bleeding." Minho replied, chuckling lightly.

Seungmin looked over to Minho with a mortified look on his face, "I have jaws in my mouth?! Like... like da movie?!" Seungmin let out a loud gasp "did da doctor turn minnie into a shark?!"

Minho snorted, very amused at Seungmin's theories.

"dada dis ish bery serious!" Minho couldn't contain himself anymore and burst out laughing, now wishing he had brought another member with him to record Seungmin.

"daddy dis is no funny! minnie been tuwned to a shawk!! minnie don' wanna eat peopwe!" Seungmin cried, desperation in his voice.

"Don't worry baby, you're not a shark. You're still daddy's little prince." Minho said, reaching his hand out to grab Seungmins, who giggled at the affection.

"daaadddyyyy minnies tiwweeddd." Seungmin whined while rubbing his eyes with his balled up fist. "You can sleep baby, I'll ca-" Minho cut himself off when he looked over at Seungmin, who was already deep in sleep.

"Cutie." Minho whispered while staring fondly at his baby for a second before looking back on the road. He had no plans of getting into a car accident today, or any day for that matter.


Throughout the weekend Seungmin had slipped in and out of babyspace, which was relieving for Minho to say the least. He was afraid he was gonna slip in his 3-5 age range and throw a fit when he found out he couldn't eat chicken nuggets for the next week or two.

While this situation was great for Minho, he began to grow worried when Monday rolled around. He and Seungmin had Dekira today and Minho was starting to grow concerned whether or not Seungmin would be able to stay big throughout the show. He could tell Seungmin was having a hard time controlling his head space, so he was worried about him slipping in the middle of Dekira.

After contemplating on what he should do, Minho decided to ask Chan his opinion on the matter. While heading to Chan's room, Minho heard soft cries coming from his and Seungmin's shared room. Upon opening the door Minho was greeted with somewhat panicked Chan cradling a crying Seungmin in his arms.

'Well that answers my question' thought Minho.

"What question?" Asked Chan

"Oh, did I say that out loud?" Minho asked, confused, earning a nod from Chan.

"I was just wondering if I should cancel Dekira today because I've been noticing Seungmin's been having a hard time controlling his headspace, and considering he's in babyspace right now, I guess I'll call Brian and cancel on him." Minho explained receiving a silent nod in agreement from Chan.

"Here, how about you take Seungmin, since he obviously does not seem to like me at the current moment, and I'll call Brian for you." Chan said while handing Seungmin to Minho, who immediately stopped crying once held in the arms of his primary caregiver.

Once Chan left Minho looked over at the clock sitting on one of the drawers in the room to check the time. "Looks like it's time to take your feel better candy sweetheart, then it's off to nap time you go." Minho said referring to Seungmin's medication, knowing if he called it medicine Seungmin would throw a fit. Luckily for Minho, his medication was given to him in powdered form, so giving Seungmin the medication was pretty simple. Minho usually puts the powder in a bottle of milk, or some apple sauce to feed it to his baby.

Once Minho arrived in the kitchen he gently placed Seungmin down on the floor beside him, since he felt a bit too lazy to strap him in his high chair, and proceeded to secretly put in the powder before putting the milk in and shaking the bottle a bit to make sure the powder was dissolved into the milk before proceeding to put the bottle in the microwave to warm up the baby's drink.

Just as Minho heaved Seungmin back into his arms the microwave started beeping, telling Minho the bottle was done. After grabbing the bottle Minho made his way to his room before sitting on the bed to feed Seungmin his bottle.

"Open up baby, daddy's got you your bottle." Minho said gazing lovingly into the littles eyes. Seungmin eagerly opened his mouth and started sucking once the bottle was placed in his mouth.

Once Seungmin finished Minho placed a gentle peck on the top of the boy's head and softly praised him for finishing his milk (and by default his medicine), before realizing he might have forgotten one small detail.

"Wait... are you allowed to drink from bottles after getting your wisdom teeth removed...?" Minho spoke softly to himself, suddenly remembering the rule about not drinking from straws for a while after wisdom teeth removal, and wondering if that same thing applied to bottles.

Seungmin, being none the wiser, just let out sleepy giggles from where he was placed in his caregivers arms, apparently finding Minho's uncertain expression to be funny.

"Oh well, It's too late now." Minho said, standing up while keeping his hold on the younger boy, intending to put him down in his bed for a quick nap.

Once Seungmin was tucked into his bed Minho turned to leave through the door he came in only to be stopped by the sound of his baby's whimpers. Minho, knowing exactly what it was that Seungming wanted, let out a breathy chuckle as he turned back around and crawled under the covers next to his little prince. Satisfied, Seungmin curled up next to the caregiver and let sleep take over him.

"Goodnight sweets." Minho said before placing one last kiss to the top of his head before falling asleep himself.

Hope you enjoyed! :3
Hey guys! I know it's been a while since my last update 😅

To answer the question (which wasn't really a question) I put in the previous chapter, my bias is Felix! :3

Stay safe! :3

Edited: 091523 :]

Edited 110323 :]

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