Accident - jilix x minchan

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Caregivers: Chan and Minho
Littles: Jisung and Felix
Enjoy :3

The weather was starting to cool off, whether that was because of the rain outside or the upcoming fall, nobody could really tell. Stray Kids were just grateful for the nice weather.

With it being rainy outside, the members of stray kids thought it would be best to spend their day off inside the dorms together with their two littles, Felix and Jisung. Normally the pair are very hyperactive littles, but today was an exception.

The two were currently in the living room, their pacis between their lips while playing with their blocks, having a competition to see who could build the tallest tower the fastest. So far Felix was winning which made the little very happy as he has always been more on the competitive side.

Felix was almost finished, only having one block left to finish his tower when he suddenly sneezed very loudly. Not only did his sneeze cause the block that was in his hand to fly out and hit poor Jisung on his head, but it also caused Jisung to accidentally knock over his own tower in the process from the shock of being hit.

Holding his head in both shock and in pain, Jisungs paci slipped out of his mouth as he started wailing loudly.

Being his best friend, Felix was quick to go to his almost birthday twin and apologize for what just happened. He tried to comfort the crying little and make him feel better by starting to rebuild the tower that was accidentally knocked over, but soon his cries caught the attention of Chan and Minho, who were both in the kitchen making lunch.

Once the two entered the living room they saw Jisung crying his little heart out next to a frantic looking Felix with a couple of blocks in his hand. Almost immediately, Chan and Minho both just assumed that Felix had purposefully hit Jisung with a block and knocked over his tower to win their little competition, since they both knew how competitive Felix was.

Without a second thought, Minho went to the crying little, picked him up and headed to the couch to place him on his lap while cradling his head to his chest trying to rock him back and forth in an attempt to comfort him and soothe the ache in his head. Chan gave Felix a stern look, "Lixie, we do not hit our friends with blocks and we do not knock over our friends towers to win a competition. Do you understand?"

Felix felt frustrated. He knew his next decision wasn't going to be a smart one, he knew he shouldn't try to defend himself, he knew that Chan would merely think he was lying and would probably end up worsening his punishment. Felix knew this, he knew it really well, yet he felt like he had to advocate for himself, that he needed to say it wasn't fair for being punished for something he knew he didn't do on purpose.

"daddy I didn' do nothin'! it was a aciden'!" Felix yelled, Chan looked back at him with an unimpressed look on his face that told him he didn't believe him and grabbed his arm, and in a gentle yet firm manner, grabbed him and put him over his shoulder before making his way to the staircase. To be fair, Felix has tried to pull a stunt like this before, so he wasn't super surprised Chan didn't believe him. But, it still hurt his feelings that he'd think he had purposefully hurt his friend. Once he was at the top of the stairs Chan stopped and placed Felix on the top step.

"You are going to sit here for 10 minutes and think about what you did wrong and why it was wrong. When I come back I want you to have an apology prepared for Jisungie, ok?" And with that Chan walked away back down the stairs into the living room where Minho and Jisung were.

Jisung was still crying hard into Minho's shoulder, but now not only from the pain, but because his best friend was being wrongfully punished.

Jisung knew it was an accident, but he just couldn't seem to calm himself down enough to where he could voice his claim.

Upon arriving in the living room, Chan took notice of the paci laying on the ground. Picking it up, he made his way to Jisung and placed it back into his mouth (obviously washing it beforehand as it had been laying on the ground collecting dust). Jisung happily took his paci and quickly started sucking on it. After about five minutes, he started to calm down a bit from his crying. While still slightly sniffling and hiccuping, Jisung looked up at Chan.

" s'not lixie fault dat sungie got hurted! lixie sneezed a-an' den da block flied out of lixie hand," Jisung sniffled, feeling a familiar sting in his eyes as he felt himself start to cry again, "a-an' den block hit sungie an' den sungie knocked over da tower! not lixie faul'! Lixie didn' do nothin' wong! pwomise!" With salty tears streaming down his face, Jisung practically begged Chan to believe him, not wanting his best friend to be punished over a silly accident.

A look of regret hit Chans face pretty hard, he was quick to start making his way towards Felix, who was still silently crying his little heart out.

"m' sowwy daddy! lixie didn' mean to!" Felix wailed desperate for his beloved caregiver to believe him. Chan picked the small boy up and started to run his back gently in hopes to calm the little down.

"it's ok baby, you have nothing you need to apologize for, it's alright. Daddy is so sorry that he didn't believe you, sweets. Everything is going to be ok. You're not in trouble." Soon enough the crying stopped, and was replaced with some soft sniffles here and there as Felix started to snuggle his head closer into the crook of Chan's neck. "daddy," Felix looked up at Chan from his shoulder, "can we cuddle pease'?"

"Of course we can, sweets." Chan made his way to the living room and sat down on the couch next to Minho, who had a sleepy looking Jisung in his lap snuggling into him.

Felix took a look at Jisungs open hand sitting on the couch and was quick to firmly grasp it with his own. With the lunch that Minho and Chan were making earlier completely forgotten, the two sat and cuddled quietly with their sleepy littles while the other two silently dozed off.

Hope you enjoyed! :3
I enjoyed writing this one :), even if it is almost 4am at the current moment 👀
I need sleep lol

Edited: 091523 :]

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