Nail polish - Jisung x skz

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Little: Jisung
Caregiver: skz (mainly Minho)
Requested by: @sleepysash

It was a typical Sunday afternoon, stray kids had the day off to do whatever they wanted, which usually consisted of lots of sleep, extra practice, or in Jisungs case, slipping into his headspace.

Jisung had already woken up little, which made the rest of the members happy since they hadn't seen little sungie in a while.

It was the early afternoon, and Jisung was cuddled up against Minho on the couch in the living room while watching his all time favorite movie for the millionth time (*cough**cough*Howl'sMovingCastle*cough**cough*) when Felix suddenly walked into the room.

"Hyung, if Channie hyung asks where I am, can you tell him I'm heading to the practice room with jeongin? He asked me to help him practice some choreo he was struggling with," Felix explained quickly as he was already running a tad behind.

"Of course, don't overwork yourselves, okay?" Minho starts thinking about how he doesn't want them to overdo it on their day off before continuing, "And please try to be home for dinner, Jisungie wants to have a family dinner tonight."

"You got it hyung!" Felix stated before turning around, walking away Felix was suddenly stopped by Jisung.

Jisung wasn't paying attention at all to the conversation between Felix and Minho, he was too focused on how pretty the boy's nails looked. They were painted a soft pretty pastel shade of a sparkly pink, the nail polish just looked so pretty to Jisung, so much so that he wanted his own nails to be painted.

Jisung soon snapped out of his daze when he realized Felix was walking away and was quick to catch his attention.

"wixie wixie!" Jisung exclaimed wanting to stop Felix. The said boy turned around and faced Jisung.

"What is it, baby?" Felix asked curious as to why the small boy stopped him. "can wixie paint sungie naiws too?" Jisung asked, giving Felix the best puppy eyes he could. Walking up to Jisung, Felix gave an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry sweets, but I can't right now. I need to go help Innie practice, but I can after dinner when we get back." Felix said while caressing the boy's left check with his right hand. Jisung pouted sadly, muttering a sad 'ok' before snuggling himself back into Minho's arms.

Even a while after Felix left Jisung was still pouting, clearly upset he couldn't get his nails painted. Minho, being the good caregiver he is, and being absolutely whipped for their little jisungie, decided he wanted to fulfill his baby's wishes to make him happy.

"Baby, if you want I can paint your nails for you." Minho said, smiling when he saw Jisungs eyes glisten with pure happiness at his words.

"yes pweas daddy!" Jisung said, bouncing in excitement. Minho laughed softly while slowly standing up from the couch at how cute and excited Jisung looked at the prospect of getting his nails painted.

"Let's go pick out a color sweetie." Minho said while reaching his hand out for Jisungs own to grab, knowing the younger would probably somehow trip over nothing if he didn't.

Jisung was just a bundle of giggles as they made their way to the bathroom, going on and on about what color he should get.

Minho bent down towards the only two cabinets in the bathroom that lay under the sink, before opening them and checking around.

"Hmm.. I guess there's no nail polish in this bathroom. Let's go check some other rooms." Minho said while closing the lower cabinets before standing back up with a grunt and a complaint about 'old people back problems' before grabbing Jisungs hand to go on an adventure to find some nail polish.

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