Brat - Hyunlix

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Little: Hyunjin
Caregiver: Felix

Requested by: @stayforever00325

This past week had been a pretty busy one for Felix. On top of his usual individual and group dance practices, he decided to add in some vocal training because of a newfound desire to improve his singing. As a result, he was spending less time at the dorm which consequently meant also spending less time with little Hyunjin.

That morning Hyunjin woke up little, and being the good boy he was, he immediately went to tell his caregiver like he knew he was supposed to. Opening the door to Felix's room softly Hyunjin saw that Felix was already awake and was sitting on his bed putting his socks on. Felix, hearing the creak of the door, looked up to see who it was and smiled seeing it was Hyunjin.

"Good morning hyung. Did you need something?" Felix asked, wondering why Hyunjin showed up randomly to his room when he knew he didn't have any schedules today. "no hyungie, m' jinnie." Hyunjin stated while pouting a bit, not wanting to be called hyung. Felix softly chuckled and opened his arms from where he sat on the bed. Hyunjin got the hint and happily ran into his caregivers arms to receive the hug. Breaking the hug Felix looked at Hyunjin.

"Daddy needs to go now, okay jinnie? I have to leave for vocal training, I'll have Minho hyungie take care of you while I'm gone, okay? I promise I'll be back soon." Felix said apologetically. Felix was glad Hyunjin was little, but he knew little jinnie didn't like it when he left which made him feel a little guilty.

"bu- but jinnie wanna pway wif daddy not minnie." Hyunjin whined before pouting his bottom lip out towards Felix, hoping the mentally older would choose to stay to play with him over going to practice.

"I'm sorry baby. I would love to play with you, but I can't miss my vocal training." Felix said while standing up, Hyunjin being transferred from his lap to his hip in the process. "Let's go see if Minho hyungie can watch you while I'm gone, okay?" Hyunjin didn't have much of a say in this matter considering Felix was already on his way to the kitchen where they both knew Minho could be found.

After making sure Minho was fine with watching Hyunjin, Felix left.

After Felix, Minho is probably one of hyunjins favorite caregivers. He was always willing to cuddle with him, play with him, and the best part was that he always snuck Hyunjin some candy before dinner. Usually Hyunjin would be happy to spend time with Minho, but all he wanted now was his main caregiver.

To Hyunjin, it felt like this past week Felix had been ignoring him. It made him really upset because he just wanted to spend time with his daddy but instead he got his hyungie.

All Hyunjin wants is Felix's attention, so he figured if Minho can't handle him then he'd have to call Felix to come back and he'd get the attention he wanted.

Currently, Minho was sitting on the couch scrolling through his phone notifications while Hyunjin was playing with his toys on the floor. They were sitting there happy and content for almost half an hour before Minho had to use the bathroom.

"I'm gonna go use the bathroom real quick, okay Jinnie? Stay here, I'll be back in a minute." Minho said while standing up from the couch. Once Hyunjin heard the bathroom door close and lock he started on his master plan.

He got up, took one of the dining room chairs, and with all the strength he could muster, he carried it to the door and placed it just right, to the point where Minho (hopefully) couldn't get out. Once finished Hyunjin ran to his toy box and tipped the entire thing over, watching as all of the stuffies and blocks fell onto the ground with a thud. Wanting to make more of a mess, Hyunjin proceeded to grab his markers and started drawing little pictures on the walls.

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