A little lonely - minho x skz

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Little: Minho
Caregiver: skz

Requested by: @jennnnnaaaaa66

Minho had woken up early, near 5am, in hopes of coming up with some choreography for their upcoming song, however in the process he got so caught up in refining his moves and making them perfect that he lost track of time and next thing he knew it was almost time for dinner at the dorms. After having such a long grueling day of dance practice Minho wanted nothing more than to slip into his headspace and take a nap.

Entering through the front door of the stray kids dorm, Minho was quick to make his way to his bed, dramatically collapse onto it, and close his eyes waiting for sleep to overcome him... yet it never did. No matter what position he tried sleeping in, no matter how many twists and turns he did, no matter how many sheep he counted Minho just could not fall asleep.

Feeling tears of frustration burn at his eyes he quickly realized how close to slipping he actually was. So, he forced his tears away, grabbed his baby blanket and went to seek out the comfort of his caregivers, maybe they could help Minho sleep with their cuddles.

Whenever Minho isn't in his headspace, he often felt like a burden to the rest of the members. He feels that he should be the one taking care of the members since he's the second oldest, and yet instead he clings to them as if his life depended on it when little.

Making his way into chan and changbins shared bedroom, minho shyly poked his head through the door where he saw Chan diligently working in his laptop and changbin sleeping in his bed with earphones in. Not wanting to disturb them Minho left to go find someone else to cuddle. Entering the living room, Minho saw Hyunjin and Jeongin cuddling on the couch watching some reality show that little Minho finds boring. Seeing as the two were already cuddling he figured he didn't want to intrude in their space, so he left them alone.

Feeling dejected, Minho could feel tears well up in his eyes, and this time he didn't bother trying to stop them. Minho feels sad and lonely, and all he wants are some cuddles from any of his caregivers. At this point he doesn't care who gives him cuddles, he just wants to feel safe and loved by his caregivers. In a final attempt Minho made his way into the kitchen and noticed the three September babies busying themselves in making dinner.

One rule minho had when little was that he wasn't allowed in the kitchen if someone was making something unless he had their permission, the rest of stray kids didn't want minho to hurt himself with the sharp objects in the kitchen. With tears running down his cheeks minho turned around to leave, but was stopped when he felt an arm wrap around him and heard a voice. Felix's voice to be exact.

Felix had seen minho from the corner of his eye, and saw that he was holding his baby blanket, something he only did when he was little. Upon further inspection he found tears trailing down the boys cheek, so naturally Felix went to comfort his baby.

"Minho, baby, why are you crying? What's got my baby so sad, hm?"

Hearing the concern laced in his caregivers words made the small boy burst out in sobs as he clutched the hem of Felix's shirt. "m-minnie wanned c-cuddwes b-but eberyone ish b-busy" Minho cried, head buried into Felix's neck. Felix cooed and lifted the boy onto his hip while gently rocking him and patting his back in a comforting manner, hoping for the boy to calm down. After seeing something was wrong with their baby, Seungmin told Told Jisung to turn off the stove, and the two stopped cooking to figure out what was wrong.

After getting filled in by Felix, Jisung went over and started carding his hands through Minho's hair while Seungmin spoke up.

"Baby, you know you can always come to one of us no matter how busy we may be. We'll always have time for our baby, I can promise you that sweetheart."

When Minho stopped crying, the September babies thought it would be best to cuddle their baby to sleep seeing as his eyes kept closing only to shoot back open. After being reassured nobody would be mad at Minho for wanting sleep and cuddles, Minho requested to have a giant cuddle party with all the members.

Entering Chan and changbins room Minho saw that Changbin had moved from his own bed and was cuddling into Chan's lap with Chan still on his laptop.

"Hey! what bring the three of you here?" Chan asked, smiling brightly when he noticed Minho was little.

"This little fella wanted a cuddle party with everyone, Jisung is getting Hyunjin and jeongin." Felix replied already putting Minho down onto Chan's lap. Minho instantly latched onto Chan as he felt himself growing tired from the days activities.

Soon everyone came into the room and piled themselves on the not-so-big bed. They may
have been very cramped, but it was well worth seeing their baby's happy smile when they each gave him a cute little goodnight kisses.


"Jisung you turned off the stove right?" Asked Seungmin


"....Jisung... please tell me you turned it off"

"...uh.... I'll be right back I... uh... forgot to fold the dishes"

Hope you enjoyed ~ ✨
I'm honestly not entirely satisfied with how this turned out but it's fine :]
Im so sorry for not updating sooner ;-;

Question of the day!
- what is your favorite bside from noeasy? I'm curious :] (mine is probably Sorry, I love you, but Gone away is a close second :3 all their songs are just so amazing it makes it hard to choose)

Anywayyyyyy, have a nice day ! :3
I'll try my best to remember to update :]

Edited: 091523 :]

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