Overworked - hyunchan

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Little: Hyunjin
Caregiver: Chan

Requested by: @alas_nagsusulat

It was early in the morning when Chan returned home from the 3racha studio, nearly 4:30am. Knowing he wasn't gonna get much sleep before having to get up again Chan took a deep breath through his nose and let out a long annoyed exhale from the same place from where it came. He didn't even know if he could fall asleep thanks to his insomnia.

Trudging his way upstairs to his bedroom, the leader opened the door and was a little surprised at the sight that, quite literally, sat before him in the middle of the room. Hyunjin was sitting up on his bed with his pacifier loosely hanging in his mouth and a tired expression stuck on his face.

Upon seeing Hyunjin, Chan smiled a bit. He's always had a soft spot for the younger, especially when he was in his headspace.

"What are you doing awake so late baby?" Chan asked as he sat beside Hyunjin, who crawled his way onto the caregivers lap.

"jinnie miss daddy an' no wanna sweep wifout him." Hyunjin responded, snuggling closer to Chan if that was even possible.

"Daddy's sorry he couldn't be home sooner sweetie. How about we go to bed now, does that sound good?" Chan asked, already shifting his body to lay down in the bed, moving Hyunjin so his head was resting on his chest. Once they were both situated, using the back of his fingers, Chan started rubbing meaningless, slow, and smooth patterns around Hyunjin's back.

"Yesh pweas daddy" Hyunjin replied, not sounding fully present as the fingers that were on his back were lulling him to sleep. Not long after, Chan looked down and smiled seeing the relaxed and peaceful face of his baby that was already fast asleep. Chan placed a delicate kiss on the top of the boy's head so as to not wake him up.

"Good night sweets."


Hyunjin's eyes fluttered open, the beaming light that shone through his window prickled at his eyes making them shut once more. Hyunjin whined when he tried opening his eyes again only to be met with the same outcome as before, forcing him to be patient and wait for his eyes to adjust.

Blinking his now adapted eyes open and looking around, the first thing little Hyunjin noticed was the absence of his daddy beside him. The little pouted and got out of bed to make his way downstairs where he saw Minho and Felix preparing breakfast for everyone.

Noticing Hyunjin at the kitchen's entrance, Felix turned around and smiled softly at the boy and signaled for him to give him a good morning hug. Hyunjin did so happily, though he still had the pout on his face from being sad that his daddy, most probably, went back to the studio.

"What's wrong baby? What's got you so pouty this morning, hm?" Felix asked while quickly glancing behind him just to make sure Minho isn't burning any of the food despite being the best cook out of all of them.

"daddy comed home vewy wate an' no hewe when jinnie woked up~" Hyunjin whined while still keeping the firm pout on his lips.

"Aww baby, I understand you're upset but your daddy has a lot of work to do. He's been a bit busy with his work in the studio lately." Felix explained trying to reason with the small boy. "I have an idea." Minho said while flipping some pancakes. Felix and Hyunjin turn to face Minho waiting for his response. "How about you go draw your daddy a picture to help make him feel better when he comes home?" Minho suggested.

It was one of the smartest ideas Minho's had in quite a while.

Him and Felix were able to focus on finishing breakfast while Hyunjin was sitting at the kitchen table in their line of sight with his crayons, his tongue sticking out of the corner of his mouth in concentration while focusing on making the most perfect drawing he possibly could.

Hyunjin made sure to use a wide variety of colors, and Felix and Minho double checked to make sure they didn't accidentally give little Hyunjin his very expensive art supplies. They made that mistake once thinking nothing bad would happen, only for them all to be broken in half by the time he was done drawing Gary the Snail in a surprisingly colorful tuxedo.

Hyunjin sat in that spot for hours. He wasn't leaving until everything looked exactly the way he wanted it. He knew what he wanted his drawing to look like, he's been picturing it in his head ever since Minho presented the idea to him. He knew he wanted to embed a special code in the drawing somehow, one that Chan would be able to understand right away. One that he'll be able to look at and think about the love that Hyunjin has for him and all of his caregivers (but for Chan especially).

Hyunjin also refused to let go of the drawing, he was determined to hand deliver it to Chan himself and he didn't want to misplace it. He even went as far as holding onto it while taking his afternoon nap making sure to bring his crayons and colored pencils with him so he could pick up right where he left off the second he woke up.

After a couple more hours, all of Hyunjins hard work paid off.

Finally, His drawing was done.

Hyunjin thought it looked perfect, he spent nearly every minute of every hour working on this one 8.5 x 11 inch piece of paper to make it look how he wanted it to. He made sure to use any color he possibly could and implanted his special little code in the drawing, so now he just had to hold onto it and wait.


It was around 11pm when Chan came home from the studio that night, a lot earlier than the previous night since he finally was able to finish revising and composing everything that needed to be done.

Seeing the pendant lights on, Chan started making his way to the kitchen but stopped himself when he saw Minho's head peek out to see who entered the dorm and smiled upon seeing the older.

"Hyunjins in the kitchen hyung. He's been working on something for you practically all day and is very excited to give it to you." Minho animatedly explained before leaving to go upstairs, figuring Chan would want to watch over Hyunjin.

Stepping foot into the kitchen, Chan noticed Hyunjin at the kitchen table patiently waiting for Chan's arrival. Hyunjin looked over when he saw someone walk in and let out a wide grin seeing Chan standing at the kitchen entrance.

"daddy!! jinnie made a dwaing for you! I puts a secwet code in dere just for you!" Hyunjin exclaimed, excitedly standing up from where he sat. The chair he was in scraped heavily across the floor eliciting a cringeable sound as he ran to where Chan stood, practically shoving the drawing in Chan's face waiting for him to accept it.

Looking at the drawing Chan saw all the members of stray kids with a big red and pink heart around them, but what caught his eye was that in the drawing Chan seemed to be the tallest with a cape around his neck, almost as if he were a superhero, with the lettering '143' written in red across the black shirt Chan was drawn in. Chan smiled fondly at the 143, knowing for a fact that that was the code his little was referring to.

"Baby this is such an amazing drawing! I think I'm gonna hang it up in my studio, that way I can always think about my sweetest baby while I'm working." Chan said, moving to pull Hyunjin into his arms for a big hug before pressing a kiss to the left side of his forehead.

"did you get da code daddy?! did you did you?!?!" Hyunjin asked while looking up to Chan who was still holding onto both him and the drawing.

"I did sweetheart! Daddy loves his Jinnie so so much too!" Chan said before picking up a giggling Hyunjin into his arms.

"jinnie lubs daddy more!" Hyunjin practically yelled overly excited about how much Chan loved his drawing.

"And Daddy loves his Jinnie most." Chan said, pecking the now pouting boy on his cheek.

"well jinnie lubs daddy da mostest!" Hyunjin replied, peeking his tongue out at Chan in faux anger causing Chan to giggle at his littles cute antics.

Hope you enjoyed :3
I'm so happy that Hyunjin is back! :D

Random question - I recently made a new draft and can't decide between having little jeongin, Felix, or Jisung. So I'll let u guys decide :3
Whoever gets the most votes is who I'll do :]

[update: voting closed :3]

Edited: 091523 :]

Edited: 110823 :]

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