Frustration - Hyunin

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Little: Hyunjin
Caregiver: jeongin (featuring Seungmin)
Requested by: @palmzbeach_325
(sorry this took me so long to publish😅)

With all of the different end of the year performances coming up, Stray kids have been busier than ever. Each member has been working hard in improving their skills for a better performance as a way to surprise stay and make them feel happy during the holiday season.

Naturally, the more everyone started working the more stressed and on edge they became, and Hyunjin was no exception. He uses his headspace as a way to cope with his stress but the little amount of free time they now have doesn't permit Hyunjin to slip when he pleases like he used to, which has made him more sensitive to his emotions than normal.

The members can usually tell when Hyunjin needs to slip because he typically starts becoming more sensitive with his emotions and has less patience than he typically has, but with everybody having such busy schedules, everyone was feeling even more overwhelmed and on edge than normal.

Hyunjin had just made it back to the dorm and had only fifteen minutes before he had to leave for a vocal lesson. He sighed before making his way to plop himself on the couch so he could sit and relax until he had to go. A couple minutes pass by when suddenly the front door opens again revealing a frustrated looking Jeongin who had just come back from a vocal lesson himself.

"Hyung don't you have something better to do than sit on the couch?" Jeongin asked a bit too harshly for Hyunjins comfort.

"I'm about to-" "I don't wanna hear your excuses, the rest of us are out working our butts off for these performances, so why aren't you working like you should be?!" Hyunjin flinched at Jeongins words, he knew he was just frustrated and didn't actually mean anything that he was saying but it still hurt nonetheless.

"I am working, I was trying to tell you I'm leaving in a couple minutes to head to a vocal lesson after just barely getting back from the dance studio but you wouldn't listen!" Feeling tears of his own frustration burn in his eyes, Hyunjin decided it would be best if he left now before Jeongin could notice his tears. "Now if you'll excuse me I have a vocal lesson I need to get to."

Hyunjin slipped out the door past a slightly stunned Jeongin before letting out a shaky sigh as the first of many tears rolled down his face. He knew he couldn't show up to his vocal lesson like this, so he tried taking deep breaths on his way there as an attempt to calm down the boiling rage in the pit of his stomach while roughly wiping away the falling tears. He probably still didn't look all too great but it would have to do.

Rounding one of the corners in the JYP building, Hyunjin nearly bumped into Seungmin who was just leaving from his vocal lesson. Catching a glimpse of his face, Seungmin gasped, "Oh my gosh Hyung what happened to you?! You look awful!" Seungmin exclaimed, a look of worry clearly displayed on his face.

"Gee thanks Minnie, nothing happened to me, I'm fine." Hyunjin said not quite mentally ready to revisit what he just went through.

"Hyung, what are you even doing here? I thought your vocal lesson was scheduled for tomorrow?" Seungmin said, looking mildly confused.

"I swear it was for today." Hyunjin muttered as Seungmin pulled out his phone to scroll through their schedules before finding what he was looking for, "Yeah, see here," Seungmin pointed to his phone and Hyunjin's eyes followed, "it says your lesson is for tomorrow and you're free for the rest of the day." Sure enough, Hyunjin's name was written underneath 'vocal lessons' for the following day.

Hyunjin started panicking, going back to the dorm so soon meant most likely seeing Jeongin again, and if Hyunjin went back having done nothing like Jeongin said he was gonna do then Jeongin was gonna yell at him and will be angry with him and-

"-ung? Hyung..? You're spacing out, are you sure you're doing all right?" Seungmin looked at Hyunjin with concern written on his face, one of his hands on his cheek and the other on his right shoulder.

"Yeah, I'm just.. a bit frustrated right now I guess. I got in a small argument with Jeongin and I just," Hyunjin felt the tears again, "I don't want to see him after he was.. was bein' a big meanie." Hyunjin pouted. Seungmin noticed the subtle changes Hyunjin had in his speaking.

"How was he being mean sweetheart?" Seungmin said while rubbing Hyunjins cheek with his thumb in a reassuring manner, "he said dat jinnie do nofin' and ish wazy!" Hyunjin cried, reaching his arms out for a hug which Seungmin, who was now a hundred percent positive his Hyung had slipped, quickly reciprocated.

"I'm sure he didn't mean to say those things baby, you know how he gets when he's feeling stressed. I'm sure he'll apologize right when we get back. Now let's go home and get you some dinner, ok? It's nearly 7:30pm so everyone should be coming home soon."

Still nervous about coming home, Hyunjin stayed hidden behind Seungmins back (which albeit was pretty difficult for him to do). "You're okay sweets, I'm sure Innie will be thrilled to see you, and if he's not then I'll be here to protect you." Seungmin said while trying to ease the boy out from behind his back. It took a bit more coaxing to get Hyunjin to stop hiding behind Seungmin but when the two finally made it back home they found Jeongin sitting on the couch hunched forward with his elbows on his knees and face hidden in his hands. It was obvious he already felt horrible for what had previously happened.

Hearing footsteps approaching, Jeongin lifted his head up and saw Seungmin standing next to a scared looking Hyunjin. Seeing how scared Hyunjin seemed to be just by being in the same room as him made Jeongin so much more determined to apologize for his mistakes and to make things right again. Jeongin stood up from the couch and faced Hyunjin.

"Hyung.. I'm so sorry for everything I said to you earlier. I didn't mean anything I said and me feeling frustrated didn't justify lashing it all out on you. I completely understand if you're upset about it and don't want to speak with me for a while, but I just wanted to apologize as quickly as I could, so I'm really sorry." Jeongin said while looking pretty much looking anywhere but at Hyunjin from the burn of embarrassment of admitting to his faults and actions, waiting for Hyunjins reply.

"is otay Innie. jinnie know dat you didn' mean it." Hyunjin said while holding his arms out for a hug. Jeongin stilled for a few seconds before realizing that Hyunjin had most likely slipped because of what had happened earlier but quickly got himself out of his thoughts to pull Hyunjin with him onto the couch and into his lap to snuggle into him causing Hyunjin to giggle and nuzzle his head into jeongins neck happy to be back on good terms with one another.

Seungmin smiled, happy to see their maknae own up to his actions and apologize. Seungmin knows that Jeongin will apologize again once Hyunjin isn't little anymore, but seeing little Jinnies bright smile is enough for Seungmin to know that Jeongin will be forgiven.

✨Hope you enjoyed!✨

To be honest I don't feel very confident with this story 😅 I've had it all written for a couple months now but I never thought it was good enough to post so it's been sitting in my drafts but I figured I should share it with you all so here you go! :]

Merry Christmas! :3

And thank u guys so much for 55k reads 😭 🙏

Edited: 091523 :]

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