Stressed - Minho x skz

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Caregivers: Stray kids
Little: Minho

All of stray Kids were currently getting ready for their next upcoming album, Go Live. Since this was gonna be their first full album, all of the members of Stray Kids have been doing a lot of preparation leading up to the release of the album.

Minho was no exception. As one of the Main Dancers of stray kids he felt the need to always be perfect with his dancing, he felt like he had no excuse to make a mistake. Because of this he always stayed in the practice room hours later than everyone else, trying to perfect the dance moves he thought weren't good enough.

This worried the rest of the members, since they thought he should be the last person to stay behind for extra dance practice as they already knew he had perfected all of the moves better than they have.

As time went on, Minho's stress levels continued to increase as his negative thoughts about his dance continued to persist. He kept thinking that his dancing wasn't good enough, that both stay and stray kids would be disappointed in him for his dancing skills; So Minho continued practicing day after day. Even on their day offs where he would usually take the opportunity to regress, he would be found in the dance studio instead.

This wasn't good for Minho's headspace to say the least. He was used to slipping a couple times a week, but now Minho was trying to force himself to stay big weeks at a time. If the members weren't worried before, then they were for sure worried now.

They tried to convince Minho to slip at least once before they were to shoot the music video, but Minho wouldn't budge. He knew the result of neglecting his headspace would then lead to him staying little for the next few days, and that was time Minho didn't think he had.

About a week later the members were at the location of their music video, getting ready to start the shooting process. Everyone was in their spots getting ready to record the chorus of their song. Minho stood in his spot, trying his best not to slip despite the strong urge he was feeling.

The rest of the members could tell something was off with Minho, yet they didn't get the chance to say anything as they heard the directors call for the music to start.

At first everything was fine, everyone was together in their dancing, their facial expressions were on point, it looked great. But, not every good moment lasts forever. Right as they were transitioning to their next positions, Minho tripped over his feet and fell to the ground with a thud. Immediately when he hit the ground, Minho lost the grasp he had on staying big and slipped into his headspace. The sudden impact had Minho letting out small hiccups and whimpers as he lied on the ground before fully starting to cry after realizing what had happened.

Chan, who was the closest to him, quickly went to pick Minho up and cradle him into his chest as he cried.

"My poor baby, are you ok?" Chan asked, rubbing his hand up and down on Minho's back in a soothing manner while checking his head for any noticeable injury. In response Minho just kept crying, trying to get as close to Chan as possible. Soon the rest of stray kids were right by his side, trying give even more comfort to the little.

Even with all of the comfort he was receiving, Minho couldn't calm down and continued to sob into Chans chest, the rest of the members were starting to grow more worried as Minho would usually calm down after a few minutes whenever he was hurt in his headspace.

Looking down at Minho, Chan continued to try soothing him by softly brushing his fingers through his hair.

"Can someone please go grab Minho's emergency bag? It should be in the van." Chan said, Seungmin immediately started to make his way to go and grab the bag, wanting more than anything than to calm their poor baby down. Everyone else mentally facepalmed as they totally forgot that the emergency bag was even a thing since they hardly ever needed it.

Once Seungmin returned with the bag in hand Hyunjin opened it and started looking for any comfort item that could potentially soothe Minho.

Pulling out Minho's Pacifier, Hyunjin went to lift Minho's head out of Chans chest to give it to him only for Minho to whine, not wanting to leave the comfort of Chans chest.

"Minnie baby, I got your paci for you." Hyunjin said. Minho, upon hearing the word paci, quickly turned his head towards hyunjin, still sobbing, his face stained with his own salty tears as he opened his mouth, wanting the comfort of his paci.

Almost immediately after receiving his paci, Minho started to calm down, his sobs now only being hiccups as he sucked on his paci.

"What do you say to seungie and jinnie, baby?" Chan asked, Minho turned his head to face them, "tank you." He said shyly. Hyunjin and Seungmin smiled, both almost simultaneously saying, "You're welcome baby."

By the end of the day stray kids decided it would be best to reschedule the shooting of their music video for another day. Once they returned home Jisung changed Minho into one of his comfortable onesies while Changbin started making him his bottle.

Jisung had Minho placed on his hip as he made his way downstairs to the kitchen. Changbin had just barely finished making his bottle.

"Do you want someone to feed you, sweetpea?" Changbin asked, Minho quickly nodded his head, "Who do you want to feed you?" Jisung asked, Minho looked around at everyone one by one, "wan' Innie pease," He said, making grabby hands toward Jeongin, "Great manners, baby." Jeongin said while happily picking up Minho, tickling his sides. Minho giggled behind his paci from being tickled as the rest of the members cooed hearing his cute giggles.

Once Minho was being cradled by Jeongin, Jeongin replaced Minhos pacifier with his bottle, who happily started drinking his milk. Once Minho was finished with his bottle, he made grabby hands towards Felix wanting to be picked up cuddled by him since Minho knows he gives the best cuddles out of anyone in the entire universe.

Not long after being in Felixs arms, Minho started to feel sleepy. Looking down, Felix noticed how tired the small boy looked. He gently kissed the top of his head while looking at him lovingly.

"Go to sleep prince, we'll all be here when you wake up," Felix said. With that being said, Minho happily fell asleep, all of his stress long forgotten, and happy knowing at least one of his caregivers was right there with him.


I hope you guys enjoyed! :3
I had a lot of fun writing this one, I thought it was cute :3
Then again, I find a lot of things to be cute :3

Edited: 091523 :]

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