Dance practice - Hyunjin x danceracha

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Little: Hyunjin
Caregivers: the rest of danceracha

Today was supposed to be a day off for stray kids, and Hyunjin had really been looking forward to it. He hasn't been little in a while, so he was hoping to take the day to regress. But, of course, things don't always work out the way we want them to.

At about eight in the morning, Minho was rudely awoken with a call from their manager who told him that he, Felix, and Hyunjin needed to be in the dance studio working on a new choreography and that their day off would have to wait until the following week.

Hearing this made Hyunjin really upset. He just wanted time to destress yet it seemed that the world had completely different plans. Because of this, Hyunjin just couldn't help but have a sour attitude about the whole situation, which put him in a slightly salty mood for the rest of the day.

Currently, danceracha were working on perfecting choreography for their song 'Taste' and Hyunjin, since he was fighting his headspace, was having a hard time nailing the choreography like he usually did.

Both Felix and Minho noticed the subtle changes in Hyunjins attitude as he was usually very cheerful and happy when given the opportunity to dance, yet they noticed that his smile and cheerfulness just seemed so forced. Feeling concerned for his hyung, Felix felt the need to make sure he was alright.

"Are you doing okay hyung?" Felix asked as he placed his hand on Hyunjins shoulder, concern etched into his face.

"Y-yeah I'm fine lixie don't woww-ry," Hyunjin said, trying his best to seem big when in reality he was slowly already starting to lose the grip he had on his headspace. Felix nodded though he still seemed a little apprehensive, but luckily for Hyunjin, it seemed neither Felix nor Minho noticed the slight slip up in his words.

"Alright, let's run through the song a few more times then we'll call it a day, how does that sound?" Minho asked, wanting to get the day over with so they could rest. Both Hyunjin and Felix were quick to nod in agreement as they made their way to their starting positions.

When reaching the end of the second verse of their song, Hyunjin managed to trip over his feet while attempting to stand up during a more complex part of their choreography and fell onto the ground with a loud thud. He wasn't in much pain, he managed to catch himself before his head could hit the ground, but it was the fact that he messed up on something that he's done right so many times before that made him upset.

"i can' do nothin' wight." Hyunjin mumbled under his breath loud enough for only him to hear, at least that's what he thought. Minho, who had started making his way to the younger when he saw him fall to check for any injuries, had been just close enough to pick up on his slight lisp in his voice which was all he needed for him to know Hyunjin had either slipped or was feeling small.

"Hyunjinnie, baby, are you feeling little?" Minho asked as knelt beside where Hyunjin sat, one hand on his back and the other rubbing his arm up and down in a soothing manner. Hyunjin looked up at his hyung with sad guilty eyes before looking back down.

"" He responded quietly, his voice was nearly a whisper, not wanting them to know he was indeed feeling very little at the moment. Hyunjin hoped that Minho wouldn't question his response and would continue on with practice, but from the way he was looking sternly into Hyunjins eyes the younger knew he wasn't buying it. His intense look told him to 'answer his question properly.'

Hyunjin let out a shaky breath as his bottom lip started to quiver ever so slightly, "m' feewin' wittle daddy." Hyunjin said as his eyes started tearing up, feeling guilty about being little when they still had work to do. Minho, upon seeing Hyunjins tears, was quick to scoop the poor boy into his arms so he was straddling his lap, swaying left and right while rubbing his back up and down in an attempt to calm his baby boy.

"Why didn't you tell anyone you were feeling little sweetheart?" Minho asked continuing the soothing motions on Hyunjins back. Hyunjin took a deep breath before responding.

"Was gonna but we hab pwactice. jinnie didn' wanna fall behind." Felix sat down right behind Minho and wiped away the tears running down Hyunjins face as Minho replied.

"Baby, if I knew you were feeling small today, I would've told our manager to go and screw himself. My Hyunjinnie is so much more important than any dance practice." Minho chose to ignore the distraught sound Felix made from the bluntness of his word choice in favor of Hyunjins cute little giggles instead.

The three of them sat there for a while. Minho continued to sway side to side with Hyunjin in his arms, rubbing his hand up and down his back with Felix taking the opportunity to wrap his arms around the both of them.

While the action was very soothing to little Hyunjin, and he absolutely loved being in the arms of any of his caregivers, what he really wanted was his paci.

Seeing as he currently didn't have his desired paci at that moment, hyunjin sunk his teeth into Minho's neck and started sucking, wanting to feel the same comfort his paci would give him causing Minho to gasp in shock at the very unexpected action of the little.

Felix sat and started very confused as to why Hyunjin suddenly bit Minho before realizing what was probably happening. He quickly got up and went over to Hyunjins emergency little bag that they always carry around everywhere (just in case), grabbed the paci and blanket that were tucked neatly inside , and locked the door to the practice room so no unexpected guests could walk in before making his way back to hand the pacifier to Minho and placed the soft blanket around Hyunjin.

Once Minho placed the pacifier in front of hyunjins face so he could see it, the boy was quick to let go of his grip on Minho's neck and opened his mouth waiting for his comfort object to be placed inside. Once Minho placed the paci between Hyunjins lips, he could visibly see Hyunjin relax his body as he started to settle down.

Soon after, Hyunjin had his head resting in the crook of Minho's neck while he sucked
on his paci, trying to snuggle even closer to him, though it wasn't possible. With the additional comfort of Felix's fingers gently running through his long black hair, it took only a moment later for Hyunjin to doze off.

Upon the realization that Hyunjin had fallen asleep, Minho and Felix snuck him out of the building and took him back to the dorm. Upon arrival they made their way into Felix's bedroom where the three of them climbed under the covers of the not-quite-big-enough-for-three-people bed and cuddled together for the remainder of Hyunjins nap.


Sorry for not updating any sooner, I had final exams these last couple weeks ;-;
Please feel free to request, I am running out of ideas :3

Edited: 062821 :]
Edited (2): 091523 :]

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