Ignored - jeonglix x skz

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Caregivers: stray kids
Littles: Jeongin and Felix

After a long month of promotions, stray kids finally had a week off to relax. This opportunity gave both Jeongin and Felix the chance to slip since it's been a long time since they were last able to.

It was Monday afternoon and Jeongin and Felix were playing with their favorite stuffies together, but play time doesn't last forever as it was time for both Jeongin and Felixs nap.

Felix was pretty tired and was ready to take his nap, but Jeongin was doing everything in his power trying to prevent the members from making him take his nap.

"I don' wan' take a nap!" Jeongin shouted while simultaneously throwing his stuffies and blocks at his caregivers, who were trying to pick him up and dodge the objects being thrown at them.

"Sweetheart, you're gonna be cranky later if you don't take your nap, and we don't want that do we?" Hyunjin tried to reason, but he only got a stuffed elephant thrown at his face in response. "I guess he's cranky now." Hyunjin muttered rubbing his nose where the elephant hit before moving to pick it up with the intention of putting it away to prevent getting hit again.

Felix, who actually wanted to take his nap, tried getting Chan's attention by tugging on his pant leg, "daddy lixie wan' nap pease." He begged, but Chan just brushed off his hand and gave Felix a small peck on his forehead.

"In a bit Lixie, daddy needs to put Innie down for his nap first." This did not make Felix very happy, all he wanted was to take a nap, so he tried going to Changbin next, "binnie can lixie pease hab nap?" Felix pleaded, but Changbin merely replied, "I'm busy with Innie right now Felix, maybe later." This made Felix even more upset. Not only was he not getting his desired nap, but now he wasn't being called by any pet names by his caregivers.

Felix tried asking Minho, Jisung, and Seungmin, but he just got the same responses from before.

Giving up, Felix grabbed his favorite plushy he named Pudge, slowly made his way into the kitchen and sat behind the kitchen counter.

"You hear dat pudge? daddies only wan' gib innie his nap. dey don' care 'bout us no more." Felix ranted to pudge about all of his current nap problems before he felt himself growing more tired from staying awake for longer than usual in his headspace.

"maybe lixie nap here. lixie is tired and yous is bery warm pudge." Felix yawned and lied down on the ground with his back pressed against the kitchen counter, "pudge keeps lixie compny." He soon closes his eyes, the voices of his caregivers reasoning with a shouting Innie somehow help in lulling him to sleep.


About ten minutes later the rest of the members came downstairs, all of them exhausted from finally putting Innie down for his nap. It wasn't until nearly fifteen minutes afterwards that someone realized they may not have done the same with Felix.

Seungmin started thinking. Did someone put Felix down as well? He couldn't remember. All he knows is that Jeongin is upstairs sleeping and the last time he saw Felix was when he was outright asked by him to put him down for his nap. He really hopes the answer to his question won't be what he thinks it is.

"Guys... where's Felix? Did anyone ever put him down for his nap too?" Seungmin asked, looking around to analyze everyones reactions to him bringing up their other little still hopeful that someone put him down for his nap and he wasn't ignored. Everyone else just froze in their places, a look of fear, shock, and regret plastered on their faces as they realized they totally disregarded Felix's need for a nap as well and just straight up forgot about him.

Uh oh.

They all quickly got to work and started looking around for Felix, calling out his name loud enough to where he would hopefully be able to hear it but quiet enough not to wake up Jeongin.

Chan and changbin were tasked with checking the rooms downstairs. Minho decided to check around the kitchen, and Jisung, Seungmin, and Hyunjin all went upstairs to try and find Felix.

Walking into the kitchen, Minho started to make his way towards the pantry to look around before he (somehow) almost tripped over something in his way. Looking down he was shocked to see Felix laying there fast asleep with his thumb in his mouth while clutching onto the old and patched up bear they all know as pudge.

"I found him!" Minho called out while picking up Felix. Feeling himself being lifted up, the younger boy was quick to wake up. The rest of the members were quick to rush over to where Minho had called out from. Seeing him holding the sleepy little sent a giant wave of relief flowing through their bodies, happy knowing their little lixie was safe and sound.

They all took turns one by one apologizing to the poor boy for ignoring him, kissing him on his cheeks, his forehead, his nose, anywhere they could reach, making the small boy giggle happily and shyly at the affection he was receiving.

Once the members were forgiven by a very softhearted Felix, Minho quietly took the half asleep boy upstairs, into the same room Jeongin was napping in, and placed him right beside his best friend before giving them each a kiss on their forehead. Cooing quietly, Minho took out his phone and started taking photos when the two immediately wrapped their arms around each other and cuddled as Felix fell back asleep.

They really had the cutest littles.


Another one done :3
Hope you enjoyed :33333

Edited: 091523 :]

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