Mama loves you - Felix x Skz

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Little: Felix
Caregiver: skz (mainly Minho)

warning: cursing (one word)

It was currently 9am, everyone in the stray kids dorm with the exception of Felix was awake and pretty much ready for the day. Everyone knew that if Felix woke up after 8am, it usually meant he'd wake up little, and sure enough they were right. It wasn't until roughly 15 minutes later that they'd heard crying coming from Felix and Minho's shared bedroom.

The previous night Felix had abruptly woken up from a nightmare, his silent cries waking up Minho who immediately went to comfort the freckled boy. Once Felix relaxed into his arms he ended up falling back asleep teetering on the edge of his headspace. When Felix woke up in babyspace and found that Minho, who had already left earlier that morning to go to the dance studio, was no longer there cuddling him he started crying, yearning for the same warmth he felt the previous night.

"What's got my baby so sad, hm?" Felix looked over hoping to see Minho but was greatly disappointed to see Hyunjin instead. Felix continued crying and Hyunjin was quick to pick him up, trying to quietly shush him while patting his back lovingly.

"" Felix cried, he doesn't want Hyunjin, he wants his mama. Don't get him wrong, he loves all of his caregivers to death and is usually happy with whoever takes care of him, but at that moment he just needed his mama.

Felix doesn't usually call Minho mama, nor does he call anyone mama for that matter, which is why Hyunjin mistook his pleas for his mama as little babbles which made Felix feel very frustrated and unheard, why couldn't Hyunjin understand he wanted his mama?!

Once Hyunjin realized that Felix wasn't going to calm down anytime soon, he brought him to the kitchen where everyone else was hoping that one of them would know how to help the crying little.

"What's wrong, why is the baby crying?" Asked Jisung. A look of concern was written on his face as he walked over to Hyunjin to take a closer look at their baby, "I don't know, I'm pretty sure he's in babyspace though. He keeps babbling 'ma' but I don't know what that means."

"Well if he's in babyspace like you said then we should probably put a diaper on him first, who knows maybe it'll even stop his crying." Suggested Chan, the others were quick to agree. Felix's crying would probably get a lot worse if he were to have an accident, so putting a diaper on him would be for the best.


They were wrong.

Turns out Felix's crying would've gotten a lot worse either way. What usually would've been a one person job ended up being a six person job. With how much Felix was kicking, screaming and crying each member was assigned a different task. Four members (Changbin, Jeongin, Jisung, and Hyunjin) had to hold down his arms and legs, one limb each. Chan was assigned to put the diaper on and Seungmin was given the task of distracting Felix.

Seungmin tried using Felix's favorite stuffed bear which resulted in Felix head butting it out of the way. Then proceeded to try and give Felix his paci, which worked for a solid five seconds before Felix spit it out onto Seungmins face.

Finally, much to everyone's relief, Felix, though he was still crying his poor little heart out, was successfully put in his diaper.

"Maybe he's hungry..?" Questioned Jeongin, "He hasn't eaten since dinner last night, and we did eat pretty early." He reasoned while opening the cabinet and grabbing onto the baby bottle.

When the bottle was ready Jeongin took Felix from Chan's hold and cradled him closely to his chest and gave Felix his bottle. When they saw Felix eagerly drink his milk they were beyond relieved that Felix stopped crying.

Though the silence was temporary.

When Felix finished his bottle he started crying again while constantly calling out for his mama, which left the others just as confused as before since they still didn't understand what 'ma' meant.

Feeling a vibration in his pocket, Jisung took his phone out to check the caller ID and when he saw it was Minho, he answered it.


While Jisung was talking with Minho the others, who were still trying their best to comfort Felix, were honestly ready to start crying themselves.

"Is that Felix crying? Why is he crying?" Minho asked, feeling concerned for their sunshine.

"We're not sure." Jisung said while turning to look back at the other members, who were taking the variety of Felix's toys and plushies and presenting them to the little, said little still crying and uninterested before Jisung took his phone away from his ear to put it on speaker phone, "He just woke up crying and we haven't been able to soothe him. He's been at it for probably a half hour at this point." Jisung explained before hearing a sad sympathetic coo on the other end of the phone.

"aw, my poor baby."

Felix's head snapped over to Jisung, he could've sworn he just heard Minho's voice. Jisung was quick to notice that the littles cries were slowly fading and started thinking maybe it was Minho that the boy wanted.

"Hey Hyung," Jisung heard Minho hum in response, "Can you try talking to Felix for just a sec, I wanna test something out." Jisung explained already walking toward their little baby, hoping that his hunch was correct. Minho verbally agreed before starting his little chat with Felix.

"Hi baby, how are you doing? Why are you crying sweetheart?" The second Minho started talking to Felix, Felix kept looking around everywhere trying to find out where Minho was, not quite understanding he was speaking to him through the phone.

"mama!" Felix cried out, he can hear his mama but where is he?

Suddenly everything in Jisungs mind clicked. Felix wasn't babbling... he was calling out for his mama... and Minho just so happened to be the one member who wasn't with them. Growing a tad desperate Jisung yelled to Minho, "Hyung I swear to the god of cheesecakes if you don't get your ass back to the dorm this instant I'm gonna-" "YA! Han Jisung! don't curse around the baby!" Minho retaliated then let out a soft sigh barely audible through the phone's speaker, "I'll head back to the dorm now, I'll be there soon." Minho replied and then hung up.

Once Felix realized he couldn't hear Minho anymore he started crying again, which then made everyone else realize why Jisung wanted Minho back so badly.

After a grueling ten minutes the front door finally opened revealing Minho. Felix looked over at the sound of the door opening and was quick to squirm his way out of changbins lap and started speed crawling over to Minho, "mama! mama! wan' mama!" Felix cried while reaching his arms up toward Minho begging to be picked up.

The second Minho lifted him into his arms and kissed the top of his head, Felix stopped crying and buried his face into the olders neck in an attempt to get closer. Soon his body went still and his breathing evened out and when Minho looked down he saw the boy had fallen asleep, most likely crying himself to exhaustion. Minho smiles gently before kissing his forehead.

"Mama loves you so much baby."

Hope you enjoyed ✨ :]

Wow two updates within a month :]
I'm so proud of myself :D

Also Idk about y'all but I thought this was pretty cute :)

Anyway, have a nice day ✨:]]]]]]]]]] ✨

Edited: 091523 :]

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