Part 1

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Draco was sitting on his bed, not knowing what to do. Hogwarts starts in 3 days... he knew something was off. Recently a thought came in his head, feeling he hadn't thought about in years. It happened when he was 5, and now he was going to start his sixth year at Hogwarts school of witch craft and wizardy.

He thought about it, he was in his fathers room. He was waiting for his mother to read him a bedtime story, and as he climbed into the bed it became stranger. A white feather as pure as heaven was carefully placed on his fathers nightstand. Why would he have a feather? It was certainly not a quill, Draco thought to himself.

It became a little more obvious when Draco himself woke up in a cloud of white silk smooth feathers, surrounding him. That morning went rather odd.

Draco POV
I was sleeping peacefully as the sun shined its pride in to the room. I turned to my side, my bed is weirdly soft today? Slowly opening my eyes "AHHHHHH, *cough * WHAT IN THE *cough *" I screamed out. Then father rushed in.

"WHAT ARE YOU SCREAMING- Draco... i-it's time." Father said. He waved up his wand clearing the bed. I coughed one more time and spat out a feather. "Time for what?" I sat up looking directly at him.

Things had been easier with my father we had spent a summer in Italy. My father was declared innocent after he was seen in the department of mystery's when he had been accused for being there for the dark lord. My father had in fact received the dark mark, but when the minister inspected him for any spells or glamour's, he had no mark. Father seemed to know what happened, but he won't tell.
"You'll soon start your inheritance, Draco you're a Vera. I am also one, the Malfoy bloodline has always had Vera blood. I have a few books ready here as it is lot to explain." Father said picking up a few books in a shelf. He handed them to me and I looked at them, magical Vera creatures, Vera, difference between Veela and Vera, Extinct Vera's.
"Don't worry I assume you have read about Veela's in school, not a big difference, just a little here and there." Father walked out of the  room leaving me with several options to read.

I picked up the book named "magical  Vera creatures" and flipped open the book, carefully reading the content inside.

Magical Vera creatures,

Veras are very rare creatures some even say extinct. Only old pureblood families has had an acurrance of a Vera. Veras are in family with Veelas and they have the same traits and powers.

One of many things they have is mates, Veras find their mate through eye color. When a Vera reaches their inheritance, it starts with re-feathering, every week new feather grow out in replacement of the old ones. And one day after the first feathering eye colors change, every day the eyecolor changes to a new one. When the Vera has either met of walked past their mate the eye color will no longer change.

When the mate and the Vera meet and make eye contact, thats when the mate gets identical eye color as the Vera. Veras are very protective over their mate, they have for one wings to protect with. Unlike Veelas, Veras can choose when to sprout their wings. The feathers are silk smooth and as pure as heaven, white and long, the wings are very large.

If their mate rejects them they die within 5 hours. And if either they or their mate feel threatened, when they sprout their wings, their feathers turn black and get sharper and more poisonous than any thing from hell to heaven. And they are the creatures with the most pure and happy love to their mate and will not let anything including themself hurt their mate, so when the feathers get close to their mate they turn soft. They will love and adore their mate till death.

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