Part 4

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One of my fave Drarry memes :)

And also a quick thank you for 50 reads!!! This means too much to me! Every comment and vote really motivates me to keep writing <3

Harry POV

That night I really slept wonderfully. No nightmares, no Voldemort, no waking up in the middle of the night, and lastly I had Malfoy by my side- WHAT AM I TALKING ABOUT HE'S JUST A BOUNCING FERRET AND I HAVE NO FEELINGS; NO DISCUSSION.

I woke up and it was cold besides me. "Malfoy?" No answer. "MALFOY?!" I started to panick a little. For some reason there was this pull that said that I should be worried since he isn't answering. I decided to get ready, and changed to my robes and brushed my teeth. And no way I was going to be able to tame my hair. That hope went in the drain when I first started growing hair.

"Malfoy!!!!!" I yelled. Still no answer, I panicked and searched around in our quarters. God that stupid ferret is annoying. A spoiled brat who didn't know anyone but himself. I ran to the bedroom again to see if he left any notes. Just as I started searching, a familiar loud swoop came from outside, FERRET. He jumped inside from the open window.

"Where the fucking hell have you been??? This bond thingy was going crazy!" I yelled, he looked at me with his golden eyes. His face was a little irritated, but softened when he realized I genuinely was scared. "Did I hurt you? Did something happen? Are you okay???" He asked, cupping my face. "Have been better." I replied, genuinely wanting to slap him in the face.

He folded back his wings, and put on his robes. "Better get to breakfast Potter." He said, how many mood swings can this one boy have? I know 16, and hormonal shit and stuff but like, he goes from wanting to take a bullet for me, to being mortal enemies in a blink.

Me and Malfoy walked to the great hall, ignoring the stares from various students. "Can we sit at the Slytherin table? I don't want more questions from Dean and Seamus." Draco nodded in response. When we sat down we were actually greeted.

"Hello Potter, you finally made it to Slytherin I see." Pansy smirked shaking my hand. The boy besides her Blaise Zabini stared at my eyes. "Woah they are identical to Draco's, wait... you guys..." he said, Draco immediately responded, "Yes, now we are what fAiTh chose  for us. Cuz why would I choose the golden boy??? Now I'm gonna be stuck with him, done." Draco said stabbing his toast with his knife, whilst smearing butter on it.

Pansy just sighed, "When the hell will you realize you are in love with each other for Merlin's sake!" She stated, I think a piece of my soul just left me-

Just then Madame Pomfrey came running to us. "Mr Malfoy!!! We need you at the hospital wing instant!" She grabbed him by the shoulder, I quickly ran behind them. I heard two familiar footsteps behind me. "Harry what going on?" Hermione asked behind me, "dunno, that ferret can be up to anything."


Author POV

When they reached the hospital wing a Hufflepuff 3 year was laying on the bed. He was covered in his own blood and whimpering in pain. "What happened to him?" Ron asked.

"He was feeding the thestrals with Luna, she was going back to the castle to get some more meat. Suddenly one of the thestrals attacked him. We don't understand why, or how's it happened. He has been with them a lot lately, but this time he was attacked." Pomfrey explained to them. Luna was sitting besides him trying to calm him down.

"He's the little brother of a dear Ravenclaw friend of mine. He is indeed very sweet." Luna said. Her dreamy voice was enough to calm down the boy, well a little bit. He was covered in blood....

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