Part 8

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Harry, Draco, Hermione, Ron, Pansy and Blaise were sitting at a table doing their homework. Well, most of them were. Harry was staring blankly on a piece of parchment paper. "What's wrong. I can feel that you are not relaxed at all." Draco whispered in his ear, putting his quill down he looked Harry in the eyes.

"N-nothing just, you know, thinking about homework." He responded back. Draco took a close look at him and kissed his nose. "I understand if you don't wanna say it to me, but don't lie to me." Draco said before resuming to his potions essay.

The hall was filled with parchment paper being flipped and quills dipping into ink. Hermione had Crookshanks on her lap and was reading through an astronomy book. Ron and Blaise were discussing about quidditch and Pansy was listening to them filling their conversation here and there. But the only thing Harry could think about was that he was a horcrux, and everything Dumbledore had said to him.

The time went fast and soon it was time for dinner. The great hall piled up with students and the teachers followed right up. McGonagall walked over to the podium and gathered everyone's attention.

"Dear students, I have a very important message from the headmaster. Due to safety reasons some activities needs to be cancelled. These activities include clubs, duelling, and quidditch." A groan was earned from the students. "Study lessons will be held under with a teacher at all times. Other than that you do not need to worry about anything." She said. Piles of food appeared in front of the students and everyone dug in.

"It's total rubbish. Other than you-know-who, there is no reason to cancel quidditch. It's not like death eaters are going to wander onto the grounds just for fun-" Ron was cut off. "Ronald, honestly, it is for our safety!" Hermione said to him and hit him in the head with a book. Harry and Blaise laughed at them. "They act like an old married couple." Blaise whispered to him, "They sure do." Harry whispered back.

It had been quite a while actually. Not really sure how long but, it has been a while. Time flew quickly- Ah! Now I remember. It had been 5 months and our friends group were sitting under a big tree. Ron had his head on Hermione's lap as she read through Shakespeare for him, not that he really listened. Pansy was making a flower crown, and Blaise was just chilling in the warm spring weather.

Harry was curled up in Draco's arms and enjoying the moment. "It's not long until summer you know. What are we supposed to do?" Harry asked him. Draco looked down at him and smiled. "We'll see when it comes. Now you better shut your cute face so we can relax. It's hard to sit down nowadays." Draco pecked him on the forehead. Harry chuckled and let himself loose-

They had forgotten about the letter. After a few months you forget about something very important, that you shouldn't really forget about. And right now no one really wanted to care about war, bad guys, Voldemort- Speaking about Voldemort.


"My Lord, they are here. The others are waiting in the chambers. We have collected everyone earlier than expected My Lord." Bellatrix smiled to herself. "Good. We can attack earlier than what we had in mind. Set everyone ready, tomorrow will be the day. We will aim for Albus, he is the only worthy opponent. Although he is a selfish bitch he is more powerfull than most will anticipate. But if anone can get the boy, that will even be better." He said petting Nagini on her head.

Back to Hogwarts.wElp.

Harry POV

I was about fall asleep when striking pain struck on my forehead. "AGHHHH!" I screamed out in pain. I fell out of Draco's lap and onto the ground. "Harry!" Ron and Hermione yelled and ran up to me. The scar felt like someone was poking 20 knives inside my head. A sound of a big whip came from the left of me. That sound was very familiar as to big soft wings wrapped around me. I gasped for when I saw an image in my head. A crusty snake voice whispered in my head. I couldn't figure out the words, but it sounded like a cat was dying.

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