Part 3

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I like including a picture or memes ^_^

Author POV
Harry stared into Draco's eyes with a confusing look. Madame pomfrey accio-ed a mirror for Harry to look for himself. "WHAT THE MERLIN'S-"

"HARRY, perhaps you want to read about Vera's before you question!?" Hermione said handing him a book, "from the restricted section." She finished opening the book. The book was old and had purple leather covers. Silver letters in carved saying rare magical creatures. Harry skimmed through the pages, until he realized what this meant. "I'm mates with Malfoy?!" He slightly yelled.

Lucius stepped behind Ron, a little worried about how red the boy could get his face to be. "Miss Granger I believe you could educate Mr Potter more about mating with Vera's." He said, Hermione nodded.

Snape stood behind them silent, before deciding to speak, "Dumbledore has given you a quarters in the dungeons, south corridor. Your items have been escorted to your quarters. Now excuse me I have to talk to the Headmaster" he said in his normal stern voice.

Harry looked at Draco and was about to say something, before Draco cut him off, "I expect you want to talk to me to father." He stood up from his chair and Lucius nodded. The two blonde Malfoy's exited the room. "Harry you have to understand how serious this is!" Hermione screeched pulling him up, dragging the two boys away, before realizing Harry was supposed to be in the Hospital wing.

She sighed, and pulled them back. "What do you know about Vera mating, and the whole creature itself?" She asked him. "Well I know the basics that Hagrid taught us. And in the book it said something about sharp and soft wings, and eye color stuff...?"

She pulled Ron down before sitting down on the bed besides Harry. "When Vera's are in their mating they, well, have to kiss their chosen one..." she started.

"I HAVE TO WHAT?" Draco yelled. His father gave him a cold stare, as that was not such a Malfoy thing to do. "Just a quick kiss on the lips, and it will start the bonding. You will share a room, and a bed..." Lucius looked at him.

"And if you are too far away from him you will feel a probably sharp pain. The longer you go without starting the bonding, the more pain both of you will feel." Hermione finished. Ron looked quite pale at the fact that his best mate was going to have to bond with his and their mortal enemy. "And you can't be sexually active with anyone except him." Harry and Ron promptly choked on air.

Harry was laying in the hospital wing, his mind seemed to wander to the fact that he was bonded with someone, and that someone is Draco fricking Malfoy. Eventually he would have to kiss him. He internally screamed at the image of the two sharing a... kiss....

The stars twinkled in the night, and Harry's eyes eventually fell heavy. Just as the next second passed it was morning again. Madame Pomfrey gave Harry various potions, and let him free from the hospital wing. Harry walked down to the great hall, seeing his best friends eating toasts. "Harry! Dumbledore said to give you the information that you'll be moving in with Malfoy today. Your stuff has already been moved." Hermione said, taking a sip of her warm tea.

Dean was sitting besides Ron, "Blimey Harry! Your eyes! They're golden, with kinda like a silver outline!!!" Dean kinda (very) said loudly. That caught the attention of many Gryffindors looking at Harry, curious off knowing what Dean was talking about.

Harry looked over at the Slytherin table panicked. Draco was looking at him, and as soon as they made eye contact, Draco nodded him to follow his direction. Draco sits up and walked out, and Harry followed right behind.

Draco walked down the halls, to a quarter in the dungeons. "Oath Bethorms" Draco murmured and the painting of a man sitting on a small chair enjoying his cup of tea, opened.

"Dra-Malfoy, what are we supposed to do? Maybe no one notices you, but everyone will notice the change of my eyes. They think you're just having like a rich blonde boy, eyes changing moment." Harry flopped down on the sofa. "We'll just ignore the stares, pretend like nothing is weird, just... normal..." Draco sat down in an armchair.

"S-so did Granger tell you..."

"Yes... and I don't hate you, I don't particularly like you either, but I don't want you to die either." Harry said, "BUT KISS YOU NO, NOT NOW-" Harry yelped, "Potter, you have no choice." Draco stated.

"nOpe, I'm leaving, I'll MAYBE come back later." Harry did up and exited the room.

"Stupid Potter can't even have a normal conversation without running off like a scared rat."

Harry sat in the Gryffindor common, Ron was babbling about how the Irish team cheated on the match they had with Spain.

"Oh shut it Ronald, you should be getting ready, lessons already start tomorrow!" Hermione sighed. "Harry, you should get to bed, it's almost curfew, students are already in bed." Hermione said. Harry nodded and stood up.

But just as fast as he stood up he fell down to his knees again, "ARGH!" He screamed. He held tightly on to his stomach. "HARRY, WHAT'S GOING ON!?" Hermione and Ron rushed to him. A loud swish was heard outside.

Draco was shirtless, wings out in the open, he swiftly flew in to the Gryffindor common room. He hopped from the open window, and just as Harry, he stumbled to his knees. "Potter, come here this instant." Draco sternly said. Harry listened and really walked over to him. Draco pulled him into his lap, and snuck an arm to his stomach. Harry lightly moaned in relief as the pain eased away. Holding on to Draco tightly he softly caressed his wings, which caused Draco to melt into Harry's touch.

"M-Malfoy what's going on with the both of you?" Hermione asked

"It's the bond. This git win won't kiss me, and the bond is reacting very badly." He replied, giving Harry a death stare. Harry stopped caressing his wings, and he let out a whimper, "HARRY JAMES POTTER, DON'T YOU DARE STOP!" Harry looked at him in shock before hesitantly putting back his hands back, carefully stroking the silky soft feathers.

Draco picked Harry up, and spun up in the air, taking flight. Harry held tightly onto Draco, it was just now he realized how muscular Draco had gotten. They landed down into a window, and Draco walked down the stairs. "Won't anyone see us???" Harry asked sun concerned of his well being. "Slytherin's go to sleep early, everyone is asleep."

Draco walked inside, and up to a bedroom with a king sized bed. He threw Harry on the bed and with only a swish with his hands, he and Draco had matching black silk pajamas on. Cramping a little Draco pulled Harry up and in the bathroom, where they brushed their teeth. When they finished Draco went under the cover on the right side.

When Harry went out of the bathroom, he held his stomach lightly, and crawled under the covers. "Where does it hurt?" Draco asked. Harry; in the state of shock looked at him. "My lower stomach..."

Draco pulled him closer and put his hands on the area where it hurt. Harry put his hands on Draco's back where his big white wings once were a few moments ago.

They started like this in an peaceful silence until Harry broke it.

"Do I really have to kiss you? Or do I have to stay like this for the rest of my life?" Harry asked, the pain had completely vanished but Harry liked Draco's touch; it soothed him.

"You'll have to kiss me eventually, and some day you'll be begging me for kisses." Draco smirked. Harry rolled his eyes, and said, "I bet you 20 galleons that I would never beg you for kisses."

"We'll see about that."

They had shifted their position, now they has separated, but they were facing each other. Draco leaned his head closer to Harry's. Before Harry could protest their lips connected perfectly, it was like they were made for each other.

Quickly they melted into their kiss, and it was passionate and loving. Then eventually they pulled apart, gasping for air.

"Never in my life I thought I'd end up shagging Potter." Draco laughed.

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