Part 10

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I wanted to say a special thank you to everyone who actually bothered to read this, hEh yeah-

It was the day of Draco's birthday and our gay couple were laying in bed cuddling. "You sure that you don't wan't to celebrate anything?" Harry asked in the crook of Draco's neck. He smelled like mint, vanilla and green apples. Draco shook his head, "I don't think it's a good time to do anything . Especially celebrating a birthday."

"Well you don't turn 17 very often you know." Harry sat up stroking the big feathers. He Peter between the biggest feathers that made the blonde quiver. Draco closed his eyes and enjoyed the soft touch. "Atleast I can give you this." Harry held a purple gem infront of Draco (Picture above). The blondes eyes glissened and he let out a gasp. "It's beautiful..." Draco softly sighed and hugged Harry tightly. The raven-black hair brushed against Draco's nose making him laugh. "Trewlawney gave it to me. She said that it strengthens the owners powers if the ones they love, love them back just as much. But you can only use it once!"

After a while of talking, cuddling and of course coming down to eat lunch with Ron and Hermione, "I'm going out for a fly." Draco told Ron and Hermione. "You'll be back soon right?" Ron asked. Draco nodded and took flight spinning through the air. Harry sighed. "So we are going to Grimmauld place tonight right?" Hermione said taking out a map placing it on the table. Ron and Harry walkd over to her looking over the map.

Harry POV

We wen't over the plan making sure that we didn't mess up anything. We had to go at night so that we wouldn't attract any muggle attention. We are going to sneak around the back of the buildings then take the night buss so that we won't take a week to get there, since we are in the middle of the woods.

*crack *

"What was that?" I asked stopping everything I was doing. The candles on the table shook. We were in the middle of the woods for Merlin's sake. "Ron you put up a protection charm like I told you to, right?" Hermione asked. "Y-yeah, but I only put up half, it was getting dark and there's spiders every where in this forest." Ron said, opening the tent a little bit.
Outside, death eaters were roaming around searching for something, most definitly us.

Author POV

"Okay no need to panic-" Hermione started but was cut by Harry. "Do whatever I say and don't hesitate to do it. I have a plan, but it might be the dumbest thing I have ever thought of." Harry said. Rambling over plans inside his head.

"If it is dumber than fighting a troll in a bathroom, then I'm not that sure Harry." Ron quaked as the death eaters came closer. Their dagger eyes scanned everywhere. "O-okay, maybe I havn't done the smartest things but, trust me on this one. Whatever I say you guys cannot hesitate to do it." Harry said obviously nervous. Hermione looked at him with a judging look but then looked at the emo dress-up wizards. "Fine but Harry James Potter if you-"

"RUN!" Harry yelled. They sprinted as fast as they could. Hermione pulled out her wand and accioe'd the tent into the endless tiny bag. Death eaters shot spells at them and oh no, not "Expelliarmus" or "Stupefy". Oh no, they were shooting "Avada Kedavra" at them. Trees and bushes zoomed past them, spells were shot left and right and they were coming closer to the end of a cliff. A bog tree caught fire besides them. "AQUAMENTI!" Ron shouted to set out the fire.

"RUN LEFT, THEY'RE AFTER ME. RUN LEFT AND APPARATE." Harry pushed them left and Ron apparated them out of sight. The raven-haired boy though, kept running until there was nowhere to run.

The cliff was tall with a dark sea under. Falling in the water, from that height, would kill anybody. "Well, well, well. Isn't it Potter, all alone. Where are your filthy little friends. Ah, of course, you saved them, what a heroic doing. But after we are done with you, they will suffer the worst pain." A woman with black clothing, steel grey hair, but a young face said to him. Her eyes were cat-like and she had a hooked nose. A group of Voldemort's followers also dressed in black smirked behind her. The Gryffindor was trapped.

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