Part 12

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I'm obsessed with this picture-

So if anyone knows who drew it, please let me know!!!!


"We have to get to Aberforths, he probably knows more about Dumbledore." Hermione said holding a map pointing at a house. It was located in hogshead at Hogsmeade.  Draco softened his wings and looked at the map closely. It ha everything mapped out very closely. "If were going to go there we better get going." He said. They all nodded and put on the closest jacket laying around. 

Hermione accioed the tent and they apparated in a small alley way. It was pretty early in the morning so it was light outside. The type of But although it was light, it felt like a thunderstorm with all the death eaters roaming around keeping everything in place. The place that used to be filled with people and laughter seemed... dead.

"There's Hogshead, we need to get in that door." Ron said and was about to step out when Hermione quickly pulled him back. "We can't just openly go to that door. If you perhaps didn't know, we are on the top of you-know-whos wanted list. One wrong move and we're dead." Hermione hissed. She was indeed correct.  

"Go back." Draco said. His wings came out through the slits of his forest green sweater. They were white, but the feathers were not the usual soft, they were more on the hard side. Draco picked three and whispered to them, "Excomminicare tenebris."

The feathers turned black and deadly sharp. He threw them in the opposite direction of where they were going and the black objects duplicated. They duplicated and made a frikk load of noise catching the attention of all the death eaters. The emo dress-up wizards and witches ran after the noise.

Maybe they were many, but they did not have a load of brains.

Our four Hogwarts students snuk to the door. Everything was quiet. Not a single owl was flying.  Harry tried to open the door but it wouldn't move. "Alohamora." Ron tried to unlock it with a spell. This was some kind of advanced spell.

"Okay, it is locked by a spell, so there must be a counterspell. Since Alohamora did not work it can't be colloportus. So maybe we should.."

Meanwhile, Draco just kicked down the door.


The rooms were dark and were only lit by a few candles lightly swaying around. "Where is he?" Harry asked. Just as he said that two and pulled Harry and Ron in a room with a big black door. In instinct, Draco's wings turned black. They glowed with fury.

"Okay, what was that?! Draco you better not follow that!!! Calm down." Hermione said backing a little away from the angry Vera (something no one ever wants to encounter.)

"Those two arms took my Harry!" Draco yelled and tried to unlock the door. "Open the door dried pussy juice! I will rip off your throat!!!" Draco yelled whilst Hermione held him back. She held him by pulling him back by his arms whilst his wings flapped around. 

Then the arm pulled Draco in. Hermione stood there in silence. This does not feel right,  she thought t herself. insde the room she could hear ropes and chains getting pulled and some one trying to break from it. 

5 minutes of thinking later

"Whot in the Merlin's beard- AAAAHHH" She was also cut off and pulled from the dark room.

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