Part 9

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Draco picked Harry up and turned his wings soft white. Hermione was picked up by Ron, who then held tightly to Draco's foot. They flew through the fields and after a while of flying they landed in the woods. It was rather dark outside, but thankfully it wasn't cold. "I am very thankful that I packed a bag beforehand." Hermione said pulling out a small bag out of her jacket pocket. "Bloody hell, what is supposed to fit in there?" Ron said still a bit dizzy from the flight. "There is a charm on it Ronald." She replied.

Pulling out a tent, Draco set it up with a feather and they went inside. "I know kinda where the Horcruxes are but it is not going to be easy to find them. They are guarded, well most of them. We just need to destroy them." Harry said sitting down on a couch. "Me and Hermione are at age so it won't be hard right?" Ron said, Draco shook his head. "You-know-who has them guarded very closely. It is parts of his soul."

Hermione brought out four cups and started boiling some tea in the kitchen. Ron sat down besides Harry whilst Draco leaned himself on a large bookshelf. "Harry, how many horcruxes even are there?" Ron asked. "7"

"Where are they?"

"I don't know."

"Do you know what the Horcruxes are?"

"Yes, there is the locket, diadem, cup, ring, diary, snake-"

"Are there any of them that are already destroyed?"


Draco could clearly feel that Harry was getting anxious talking about Voldemort and decides to break the conversation. "So! I'm going to take a nap. Hermione where's the bedrooms?" Draco said. "Oh? That's pretty early, especially from a Vera. You are more kind of night creatures. Especially when you are nearly fully grown. But you're probably tired from today, just take the stairs up. First door to the left, me and Ron can take the bedroom down here." Hermione said putting tea cups down to the others. Draco nodded and walked up. Harry leaned back and rubbed his eyes.

All these thoughts were building up in his head- "Harry, you should get some rest." Hermione said taking a sip of the tea cup. Harry nodded and stood up.

His back was sore, a head ache was eating his insides, he was tired as fuck and right now he felt like a useless pile of trash.

Draco on the other hand was restless. Maybe Hermione was right... It felt like he could run 10 miles, then fly up to the moon. He decided to take off his shirt and let out his wings. Brushing through his feathers, taking care of them carefully and picking out a few that were slightly crooked, Harry walked in.

"Hello ferret." Harry said dropping face down besides the blonde. "Well I guess some ones not in the mood." Draco said. "Well, I guess you're not really happy when a noseless rip off Barbie is chasing you around." Harry sighed.

"What the fuck is a Barbie." Draco pulled Harry close to him. Soothing the Gryffindor with his feathers brushing against him, both of them calmed down in each other's presence. "Well, now I demand you to stop calling me a ferret."
"But it fits so well. And it makes me happy." Harry sassed back.

"Well.... if it makes you happy... Dammit, sometimes I hate this Vera blood." Draco said. Harry chuckled and caressed the big white wings making Draco moan-purr, whatever you call it. Harry rubbed his eyes and let out a big sigh. Draco took a metall box that laid on the nightstand, he had never seen it before. "What's this?" The slytherin asked. Harry looked up at him and then at the box Draco was holding. "That's a radio." He replied simply.

Draco clicked on some of the buttons. Suddenly a soft tune played. Draco found it very soothing, it reminded him of a song his mother used to sing to him when he was little. Putting the so-called radio down back, he let the song play. Harry closed his eyes and heard that Draco's heartbeat was beating to the rythm of the song. Slowly, his eyes grew heavy and he let his dreams lead him away.


Ron and Harry sat outside together the next day. "Hey, so Draco's birthday is in 2 days. Have you planned anything?" Ron asked. Harry nodded and took something from his pocket. He held up a purple gem to his redheaded best friend. "I got it from Trewlawney. She said it was something about the power of love. The gem is supposed to give the owner extra power if the ones they love, love the person back just a much. I thought it fitted Draco's magical aura." Harry said.

Ron looked at him. "You must really care for each other." Harry smiled. "Well, I brought some cookies." Ron dug in his pockets and showed Harry a pack of chocolate chip cookies. The two happily ate as they talked as if they were sill 11 year olds.

"RON HAVE YOU SEEN MY COOKIES? WE ARE SUPPOSED TO EAT THEM WITH TEA TODAY!" Hermione said from the tent. Ron and Harry shared a scared look, they really didn't want to face an angry Hermione, if you have done the wrong thing, she can be scarier than Voldemort. Harry threw the pack behind a tree, "No we have not seen it!" Harry yelled back and started laughing with Ron.

Eventually they went back in. Draco was playing around with the magic in his feathers, making small potions and powders with the set Hermione had brought. Hermione herslf had given up on finding the cookie pack, and started on a book. Harry sat on the sofa looking at Draco's concentrated look. "Maybe we should check in at Grimmauld Place?" Harry said. Hermione looked up at him, this also caught Draco's attention. "Voldemort might have hid something there. The black family also had some association with a few death eaters."

"We should probably take a look there." Draco said. "We can go there after Draco's birthday so we are more that are of age." Hermione said. Draco looked at them "I won't celebrate anything, we don't have time for that. Pluss I don't think it's a good time for celebrations now. We can go the same day as my birthday."

"Are you sure?" Ron asked, Draco nodded back. "Well, then let's do this." Hary said.

"Watch out fucking rip-off Barbie." Draco said. Hermione and Harry burst out laughing. "You taught him that?" Hermione wheezed out. Harry continued laughing as he nodded. "What in the bloody hell."


Okay, sorry this was shorter than normal. It was kinda a filler. I have a lot at school right now, but I'll start writing more after I got more time.

Thank you for the patience!

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