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Credits tho, this is amazing ^^^^
Nothing was better than sleeping for a long time on Sundays with your partner in arms and the sweet smell of coffee.

Well this wasn't Harry and Draco's case. "Dad, dad, dad, dad, dad." A voice said. To hands slapped Harry's bare chest.

"Father, father, father, dumb ferret." Another voice said hitting Draco on the chest. The last statement made Draco jolt up. "Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy-Potter." Draco said"Why do you guys sleep so much, night time activities or something?"

That statement made Harry jolt up, "Albus Severus Malfoy-Potter." The two boys laughed and jumped on the bed. Thankfully our couple had sweat pants and boxers on from last night *wink wonk*.

Now, you may wonder, how did Harry and Draco get these cute brats. Well, after they got married two years after the battle of Hogwarts, when they were 19, they joined the ministry. They became proffessional aurors and the duo sat records.

Now after a year, 20 years old, they felt like they needed a family perhaps. They contacted a muggle doctor so they could get babies. The doctor had mixed both of their sperms and put them in a very sweet woman that voulenteered, named Anna.

Suprisingly they got twins, Scorpius and Albus, both inheriting the Vera blood. When they had brought their boys home something truly odd happened.

The muggle blood had sped up the Vera blood. That caused Scorpius and Albus to get their abilities when they were 5, unlike their father whom had got his abilities when he was 16. They had cute little white wings that were really tiny compared to their fathers. Albus looked more like Harry whilst Scorpius looked more like Draco, it was obvious that they weren't identical twins. Currently both of them were 7. Which means that Harry and Draco are 27 and Teddy is 15.

But long after the battle of Hogwarts, Andromeda has passed peacefully away from old age. Ted had moved in with Harry and it felt like Ted had always been their son.

Al laughed and flapped his wings when he flipped down on Draco. "Who even taught you 'night activities?'" Harry asked letting Scorpius make himself comfortable. The twins looked at each other. "Not Teddy." They answered at the same time.

"EDWARD REMUS TEDDY LUPIN!" Harry yelled. Ted sleepily went upstairs to their room that was on the very top of the house. His hair stuck out in all places and was his normal blue. He fell straight down in the bed and dozed off. Draco laughed and ruffled his blue hair.

"Dad what are we going to do today?" Scorpius asked. "We're going to the burrow for dinner with everyone." Harry replied, "so you better get going, we also have to buy a new quaffler for them as a gift."

"Can we buy one thing at uncle Fred and George's shop?" Al asked blinking innocently with his light pink eyes. Scorpius blinked innocently with his vibrant yellow eyes. "Fine then." Harry said, "but then you better get going!" He laughed and tickled them.

They laughed and ran away to their bedroom. Ted grunted. "Hey, you need get going." Draco said. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. Surprised you aren't as tired as the other times you've had night time activities." Teddy says and sprinted out.

"I'm going to kill them both." Harry mumbled. Draco put his hands around Harry's waist and pulled him to his lap. "Calm down love." Draco said and placed light kisses on Harry's purple marked neck.


Fred and George's shop, Wesleys' Wizard Wheezes, was as stuffed as ever. Kids were running around, mini fireworks exploded everywhere, it was perfect.

"There are our favorite twins!" Fred and George said. "There are our favorite twins!" Albus and Scorpius said. Fred and George picked them up and let them sit in their shoulders. Their wings fluttered excitedly.

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