Chapter 2

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The Slayer dragged his fingertips down the side of the demon's head, reaching down and scratching under the demon's chin. Its lower jaw was split into two separate mandibles and coated in razor sharp metal, making them more akin to the chain of his chainsaw. He unmuted his helmet and listened as the demon started to make happy trilling and chirping noises, similar to a parrot.

Vega and Samuel had stopped arguing, both now fixated on the little demon. Vega's voice spoke gently from the ceiling, "It seems to like you."

Despite its still very weak and wobbly state, the gargoyle slowly stood up on its metal bladed hands, balancing on the needle-like tips. It sniffed at the Slayer's chest plate. The man stood still, waiting for the demon to finish. It looked up at him suspiciously, tilting its head and letting out a little chirp. The little demon was confused at why the DoomSlayer, the prince of slaughter, the king of gore, the lord of eternal mindless killing, would spare them, just a random insignificant demon.

The Slayer turned away and grunted, avoiding the demon's puppy dog eyes. The creature was odd and he didn't trust it one bit. He turned away, leaving the demon to stare at his back. He felt something touch his shoulder and hold him back from walking away. Whipping his helmeted head around, he saw the gargoyle had put a blade on his shoulder to keep him from leaving, and it gave a pitiful screech.

The Slayer took the blade off his shoulder and began walking away again. His thoughts swirled in a stormy confusion, could the demon really be his pet? This time the demon leapt onto him and firmly, yet gently, latched onto his back. It screeched happily in the man's ear, but he didn't take so kindly to the demons and tried to pull it off of himself.

Vega chuckled again, "Awww it really likes you! Let the little demon ride on your back."

He tried squirming to get the demon off, but eventually he gave up, accepting Vega's advice, and resigned himself to be the demon's chauffeur. After making his way to his room, stopping several times to readjust the weight of the demon, he gently sat the demon on his bed and gave it a "don't-you-dare-try-and-eat-my-pillows" death glare. Reaching up, he went to take his helmet off to get ready for an early morning shower, but he stopped himself. Taking his helmet off in front of a demon? Had he gone mad? He looked up at the ceiling for assurance from Vega.

"It's ok I'll keep an eye on the demon while you shower. You're doing great." Vega had sensed the Slayer's nervousness.

The man nodded up at him and took off his helmet. He let out a slow, calm breath, but he kept his eyes open, making sure to keep aware of the demon at all times.

The creature sat on his bed in a rather hunched over goofy stance, its little bladed arms sat in-between its outstretched legs. It stared up at him with a happy, yet tired, grin, excited to see what the Slayer was planning next.

He gave her head a final pat before heading inside the bathroom, stripping out of his underwear, and hopping in the shower. He stood motionless in the shower and slowly ran his fingers through his wet blond hair. A headache began to throb at his temples. Letting out a small moan, he sank to the floor of the shower and whimpered. Why was this so hard? He just wanted to rest. He didn't want to worry about a demon in his home, but at the same time he found himself sad at the thought of the little being not by his side.

"Chirrrrr?" He felt something wet and cold touch his shoulder. It felt like thick rubber.

He turned around and shrieked. The gargoyle was in the shower with him, staring up at him. He covered his junk and tried to shoo the demon out, but the gargoyle stood firm, thinking the man was playing a game.

Vega chimed in, "Oh sir the Gargoyle is in the bathroom."

The man grabbed a shampoo bottle and launched it at Vega's speaker, effectively shutting the AI up. He then grabbed another bottle and threatened the demon with it. Grunting menacingly and waving the shampoo bottle around, he threatened the demon out of the shower. He slammed the glass door shut with a sigh. This was going to be a lot harder than he expected.

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