Chapter 21 (TW: Vomiting)

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They backed off, breaking out of their confusion for a moment.

The Slayer stumbled and growled out, "S-SAMUEL!"

The robot whipped his head to face the Slayer, glaring him down with his blue optic, "Shut your damn MOUTH!" He held out his arms and looked back and forth between the two as if they were velociraptors ready to jump, "You're both drunk sit down."

The marauder wailed out, "I'm not fucking drunk! I can handle my liquor. I'M NOT FUCKING DRUNK!" His vision went blurry and the room tilted around till it looked like he was standing sideways.

The Slayer was seeing red, Samuel was the cherry on top of this massive shitstorm. The Slayer wanted to whip out his BFG and vaporize everything. He couldn't write his hands were shaking so bad. He felt like he might just stumble over and pass out at any moment.

The marauder let out a little whimper. It felt like he was loosing control. Panic rose in his chest it felt like he was dying.

Samuel looked from man to demon, "What's wrong with you two?" He couldn't understand why they were acting like this, sure drunkenness but... He looked down. "Vega where did they get the wine?"

"From earth, why?" Vega was frantic, he had activated several cooling coils in the Slayers helmet, desperately trying to cool his rapidly increasing body temperature, and his temper. He had never seen the Slayer full of hate before, sure rage plenty of times, but he had never seen the man want to kill more than this moment.

"YOU IDIOT!" Samuel yelled at Vega, but as he turned his attention away from the two they lunged at each other with a ferocity unmatched by anything.

The man swung his hands, his punches were sloppy and open fisted, but one hit the demon's abdomen hard.

He cried out in a wail. The marauder sunk his claws into the Slayer's fists and drew streams of blood from his scared skin. He felt Samuel grab him and yank him backwards, but he held fast onto the Slayer, who was writhing and shaking, trying to pull away.

The Slayer swung his leg and tripped the marauder as he was being pulled back, the demon crashed to the floor and let go of the Slayer. The man did waste a second and tried to grab the demons horns, but Samuel yanked the marauder back fast enough to escape the Slayer's grasp.

He put his mechanical foot on the man's head and shoved him backwards, closing the bedroom door on him. The marauder seemed to calm for a second, and he wrestled the demon into the bathroom, shutting the door behind him.

He slowly stood, still slightly crouched in a daze. Looking up at Samuel, he nervously swallowed, "I feel awful. It's not me."

"Yeah well this is gonna feel awful too." The robot pulled back his arm, balled his hand into a fist, and decked the demon right in his stomach. Quickly, he grabbed his horn and forced him to hold his head over the sink.

The marauder let out a shaky gasp and grabbed onto the robotic arm of the man. His mouth filled up with sickeningly sweet red wine. His eyes watered at how foul it was, it felt slimy and had chunks of something in it. He spat it out but more and more kept coming. Mouth full by mouth full he slowly rid his body of the disgusting liquid. He opened his eyes and looked at the sink. Huge chunks of the same bright red mold that were growing on the bottles were sitting in the sink surrounded by the wine.

Letting go of Samuel, he placed both hands on either side of the sink. His stomach twisted at the sight and he puked again. This time it was just yellowish acid.

Samuel let go of his horns as he began to violently dry heave, his body straining so hard he stood on his tip toes. He finally began to feel better. Wiping his mouth on a towel, he turned on the water, washing out his mouth and the hateful words that spewed from it. "I never ate the mold. Why was it there?" He looked at the robot.

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