Chapter 3

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He woke up to the little demon still wrapped around him, snoring softly.

What the hell was he doing? God he couldn't believe it but he had to do it. He couldn't even bare the thought of being alone again.

But still... a demon?

His conflicted feelings disappeared as she slowly lifted up her head and yawned. She gave the bandages on her shoulder a quick lick, obviously annoyed at their presence. She turned to the Slayer and licked his helmet.

He jerked back, muttering under his helmet. He tried to wipe the thick saliva off his helmet's visor but eventually gave up and activated the cleaning system. A tiny windshield wiper came down and wiped the spit off.

Out of nowhere Samuel started howling, "ITS-ITS A WIDDLE BABY WIPER BLADE! That's the greatest thing I've ever seen!"

Vega chided him, "Samuel behave. I designed that, you know!"

"Oh I could tell it had the 'cutesy' engineering of something you'd make."

The Slayer scooted Daisy off his lap, letting her take up the whole chair. He stretched, letting his joints and spine crack and pop. A yawn escaped his lips and he picked some 'sleep' out of his eye.

Resting her head on the armrest, she laid down in the chair, not yet ready to wake up. She watched as her Slayer went down to his armor and began the slow process of cleaning it.

Vega had machines to do it but he preferred to personally make sure every bit was off. Even a tiny chunk of rust could limit his mobility enough to get him killed. In many cleaning aspects he was lazy, like the pile of plates in the kitchen or the pile of dirty laundry in his bedroom, but in his armor he was meticulous to an almost ridiculous degree.

He scrubbed at it diligently. It was dirtied from his last mission and he hadn't gotten a chance to clean it since the Khan had sent demons into the fortress... and then of course, he looked up, Daisy came along.

Daisy watched him from the chair, interested in his movements. Her favorite part was when he finished a particularly dirty piece, came over and gave her a quick pat on the head, then went back to his work.

She felt loved.

Ever since she was ripped away from her gargoyle swarm to get augmentations she hadn't felt loved, truly loved. Sure she was loved as a fighter and as a fucked up science experiment, but that wasn't love.

Whatever the Slayer, a rumored heartless being, was doing whenever he walked over and petted her head every now and then, now that, that was love.

He clicked his gauntlet into place on his arm and swung his fist upwards, activating the blade.

It startled Daisy out of her chair and she ran over to him, hopping up on his desk to examine what he was doing. She nibbled at his hand until he brought the blade down near her, careful not to cut her into pieces.

He let out a sight, the blade was clean thanks to a little auto cleaner in its sheath but it was dull, painfully dull. It would take so long to sharpen he would be messing with it all day.

Daisy put her blade on his armored hand and dragged his hand lower, making the blade point right past her face. She bit the metal and jerked her head back, showering the workbench in sparks.

The Slayer watched in awe, just as a bird uses its peak to preen its feathers, Daisy used her teeth to sharpen blades, it only made sense considering the blades replacing her hands. After only a few sharpenings, she chirped, deeming the man fit.

He stared at what she had done. It wasn't how he would have sharpened his blade, it was even sharper, down to a precision that made a obsessive person like him nearly run around screaming hallelujah. He activated and deactivated the blade several times feeling the fresh metal nearly slice through the atoms in the air.

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