Chapter 9

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He slowly sat down in the bed and slipped under the covers. It was so warm and cozy... There were so many blankets and quilts, not to mention the cushy mattress.

The only issue was that it was a large bed for one person, but it was definitely cramped for two. The Slayer reached over and shut off the light on his nightstand. Him and the marauder were shoulder to shoulder, both half hanging off the bed.

Enough dim light filtered in through the window to read a note. 'Hey, this is a bit weird but I don't want you to freeze so don't feel awkward.' The Slayer rolled on his side, facing the demon.

"I know, but I just feel bad for asking you for so much." The marauder mirrored the Slayer and rolled onto his side.

They scooted slightly closer, but left enough room for little Daisy to curl up in between them. She was fast asleep in just a few moments, which wasn't surprising considering how much she swam earlier.

"She's so precious." The marauder doted on her and patted her back.

'Are you warm enough?'

"Pretty much just my shoulder." His one shoulder was exposed to the cold air. The blanket had slid off of it.

The Slayer fixed the blanket so it covered him, 'Better?'

"Yeah." The marauder closed his eyes and enjoyed how tender and sweet that action was. He opened his eyes with a little grin.


"I can't figure out why you're being nice to me and it's bothering me." He paused, "I mean not bothering me, I appreciate it, but... hmmm... it's confusing me."

'I just don't want you to freeze to death, that's all. I don't have any bad intentions.'

The marauder nodded. He expected that answer and it made sense. The Slayer was being kind because he just wanted to keep the demon safe. It was just the marauder couldn't figure out why he, himself, was accepting all the Slayer's actions.

He had a hunch though...

The Slayer interrupted him by yawning loudly and burrowing his head into a pillow. In a few short moments the man was asleep.

He laid awake for nearly thirty minutes thinking about his emotions, and how strange his life had become. A simple revenge mission became a friendship and now... He waited a moment to listen to the breathing.

He grumbled and rolled over scooting towards the freezing edge of the bed, rather than have to deal with more emotions. He kicked off his blankets then laid down on his floor mattress.

The fortress hadn't warmed up. The marauder hissed at the cold on his flesh...

but the temperatures didn't bother Vega. He looked at the switch labeled "Temperature Control" that had been switched into the off position. The fortress had over two hundred heating coils. Two going offline would barely be noticeable. He wasn't sure if the Slayer knew that or if he elected to ignore that implausibly of it.

"This is my workshop? It's small."

"Be grateful you even have it." Vega turned his attention down to the very hull of the ship where small ice crystals had begun to form. That's where Samuel was, his body lying on a table in an alcove.

Vega made sure to check the hologram he just set up on the main deck. It looked fine. Like the doctor really was still there.

"I can't believe you said yes to this. And not only said yes turned off the heating so you'd force them to stay in the room. You're much more devilish than I thought." The doctor maneuvered a robotic arm over to his body and began scanning the metal. It was weird seeing his body now that his consciousness had been transferred out of it.

Vega sighed, "You're useful to me and the Slayer. You'll put on what modifications I ask and upload what software I demand, understood?"


After a long night of being freezing Vega finally turned the heating coils back on. Within a few minutes the fortress was already well above freezing and quickly rising.

The Slayer woke up to the marauder gone. He sat up, looking around. The demon was lying on the floor mattress with his back facing the Slayer. The man supposed the demon didn't appreciate last night very much, but at least he was alive.

He got up out of bed, covering Daisy up, and walked over to the demon, prodding him with his foot.

The marauder rolled over with a glare in his eyes, "What?"

'I was gonna ask if you'd want breakfast but you seem crabby.'

"I didn't get any sleep last night."

'Well how come you slept on the floor in the cold?'

The marauder just grumbled something. "I felt bad about sleeping in your bed. I'm being too annoying of a guest." That was part was true he just omitted the fact that he also was drowning in emotions each time he looked at the man.

Doomguy let out a rather loud annoyed huff. 'You kept me alive and safe, let me do the same for you. I told you nearly nine times that I didn't mind.' He wanted to just go away and eat breakfast but he didn't want to leave the demon. 'There's enough self sacrificing people in my life. Vega will have a core meltdown if he thinks it will make the situation even a little bit better. I don't need anyone else that will hurl themselves off a cliff if they think it will help! It just makes my job really, really hard!' The man looked exasperated.

The Slayer had a damn good point. "I'm sorry Doomguy." He looked up at the man who he just realized had knelt down to not be as menacing. "I'll listen to you."

'Thank you.'

Vega interrupted, "If I have to sacrifice myself for the betterment of-"

The Slayer stood and waved his hands, silencing the AI. 'See? You see? Not even the first sign of needing a sacrifice, just TALKING ABOUT IT and he's already up on the altar! Don't be another Vega. I don't think my heart could handle it.'

The marauder laughed as Vega began trying to defend his argument. Him and the Slayer went and got breakfast, some cereal and the Slayer made toast for himself, and sat on the main deck looking down at earth while eating.

Daisy found them on the main deck and begged for apple sauce, which the Slayer gladly gave her.

They sat in silence except for the occasional noise of a crunchy bite of food.

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