Chapter 11

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He set the man down on an operating table. Carefully sliding his hands out from underneath his body. "How are you doing?"

The man nodded and gave him a thumbs up. A weak feeling began to take him over now that he knew he was safe. Shifting his head on the table, making a soft clack noise, he looked up at the ceiling.

Vega spoke in the calmest voice he could muster, which was quite calming and soothing considering it was his job to be personable. "If you'd be kind enough to do so Mr. Marauder, remove the plates of armor on his leg, Slayer, please remain steady."

The Slayer's stomach was doing backflips as the marauder pried his claws under the armor and popped each green plate off and set them on a metal tray.

He then took a pair of scissors Vega's robotic arm handed him and began approaching the tender flesh with the instrument in hand.

The Slayer shouted and tried to kick the demon away but Vega had the foresight to pin down his legs with straps as soon as his body hit the table a minute ago. "Please relax, he's using the scissors to cut away at the mesh surrounding the wound. Deep breaths."

He listened to Vega, much to the AI's glee and slowly his heart rate decreased.

The marauder finished cutting away at the mess and gave the side of the man's hip a pat, "You made me pancakes I won't ever even think about hurting you. Besides, you promised to make me waffles."

The Slayer chuckled at that. Come hell or high water he would make those waffles. Daisy leaped up onto the table and cuddled around the man's head, smooching his forehead with her mandibles.

He reached up and pet her, trying to focus on his lovely little Daisy, rather than the feeling of the wound now that the adrenaline was wearing off. He let out a loud huff, wanting the marauder and Vega to hurry up and fix him up.

A long robotic arm slowly descended from the ceiling, it's wires neatly arranged around its metal supports. Vega spoke, "I'll have to sterilize the wound, would you like me to administer anesthesia?"

The Slayer quickly shook his head "NO", and scribbled a note, 'No I don't wanna sleep.'

Vega's voice had a concerned tone to it, "at least a local anesthesia?"

The Slayer's writing was big and jagged, but still once again a big firm, 'NO.'

Samuel decided to grace all of them with his presence, "You do understand how fucking unnecessarily painful that will be, correct?"

Daisy whined and rubbed her head against his, hoping to convince him.

The marauder poked him, "Come on just take a little bit you'll feel much better. Do it for all of us. We just want the best for you, even Samuel."

Samuel snorted, "I just don't want to hear your scraggly screams." He flicked through a couple cameras and got a good look at the wound. It truly did look terrible. One sickening gaping slice taken out of top of his thigh, nothing he couldn't handle of course but still Samuel felt something, maybe pity, for the man. "Besides, you know I'm right. I always know what's best for you."

Hey, he was a condescending asshole, but he was their condescending asshole.

'Fine.' The note didn't make it sound like he was pleased, but he allowed Vega to poke him with a needle in his leg. Almost instantly, a numb tingling feeling overtook him. Luckily the strongest effects remained local and he wasn't forced under. He groaned and relaxed, drifting in and out of a strange half asleep daze. Occasionally, a prick of pain would make him flinch, but Daisy was always by his side to calm him right back down.

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