Chapter 23 (TW: that sweet, sweet Smut)

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Author's Note: "When looking at the stats for this story any smut chapter always has like double or triple the hits of a normal chapter. Y'all horny smh."

The trio drifted off into sleep again. The marauder would wake up every fifteen minutes or so, and make sure the Slayer wasn't whimpering again. He stared at the man's helmeted head, nuzzled into his chest.

He couldn't even fathom how much he loved this man. The feelings that gushed from him whenever they were around were wonderful.

A few hours later, the Slayer woke up groaning and hugging the demon.

"How are you feeling?"

He scribbled something in his notebook then sat up in bed, scooting off his chest. 'A lot better. I'm gonna brush my teeth, but you stay there I wanna cuddle.'

The marauder felt a grin grow across his face as he read the note, "Ok!" He laid back down in the bed while he got up and went to the bathroom. Daisy stretched and yawned, giving the demon's face a lick, much to his protests, and walked out into the workshop, looking around for Samuel.

He finished up and headed back under the covers. It was nearly 5 AM, far too early to wake up for the marauder, so he had fallen back asleep. The Slayer poked him, 'Sleepy head, wake up.'

It didn't seem worth it to wake up, so he pressed his face into the blanket. "No I'm tired... mhhmmm... sleepy."

The Slayer had to resort to desperate measures, peppering the beast's neck and cheek with a bunch of tiny kisses. 'Wake up.'

A single eye, glowing like a red hot coal peeked open. As he opened his jaw to beg "Slayer, five more minutes!" his head tilted back in such an exquisitely adorable way the Slayer could barely contain himself. His eye suddenly fixated on the Slayer. "Did you take your shirt off?"

The man's muscular abs were on full display, he scratched the back of his neck and lifted up the covers that were resting around his hips, 'Pants too. I still have boxers on.' He had slipped them off while in the bathroom.

"Oh... oh my." The marauder sat up, surprised. He had to admit... that was one way to wake him up.

The Slayer squirmed suddenly, doubting himself heavily. He wasn't sure if he was doing this right, he wasn't even sure that this felt right. Was he gay? He supposed cuddling in bed and exchanging a dozen or so kisses certainly made it seem that way. He was unsure of himself in romantic situations but in sexual situations he was completely lost. 'I don't know what to do. I've never done this with... a man.' He thought for a moment and realized he wasn't even sure if he had done it with a woman either.

Pulling the man close, he whispered, "Then I can show you." He pulled the man under the covers, locking lips.

The marauder kissed ferociously, it was like he was desperate, a man starved. He wanted only one thing in the world and that one thing was the Slayer.

The Slayer on the other hand was unsure, and tentative. Sure, he had kissed the demon before, but not like this. He worried, was he doing something wrong? The anxiety made his heart flutter and not in a romantic way.

The demon must've sensed his hesitation, "We can take this as slow as you please."

The Slayer nodded and gave a few more kisses, he let out a little huff of surprise as the marauder rolled on his back, making the man straddle his hips.

"Too fast?" The marauder pulled back from his barrage of smooches for a moment; he gave the Slayer a look so full of concern and care the man almost melted into a puddle.

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