Chapter 6

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The Slayer felt something slither up his arm, pulling him out of his sleep. It was wet and sharp. As it touched the bare skin of his biceps his eyes flew open and he leapt up. He yelled and hollered and whirled to face his attacker.

"Sorry," the marauder held up his clawed hands, "they're still a little wet from the bath. I wanted to let you know you could hop in now."

The Slayer grumbled and nodded, he walked into the bathroom and took his suit off, placing it into a chute so Vega could take care of cleaning it. He was simply too tired. Of course, he still had his helmet on though.

He decided to get a shower and washed off all the grime and dirt from his body. Unlike most of his pensive shower sessions, he didn't even think about anything interesting or worry about demons in his home during this shower.

He toweled off and dressed in the pajamas he brought in. Putting his helmet on, he sighed and toweled off the metal. He walked into the bedroom and flopped into bed, the sheets were fresh and warm. Vega must've changed them... He held up his hand.

Vega dimmed the lights slowly, until he was in darkness.

He heard the marauder shuffle in his bed, snoring softly through his partial nose.

The Slayer grumbled, but he was too tired to get upset about the demon's presence. Something hopped on the bed, he sat up but relaxed upon seeing it was only Daisy.

She wiggled under his arm, and he tucked the blankets over her. His eyes felt so heavy...

He woke up to a loud crunch, and he jolted up.

"Hey!" The marauder swallowed a mouthful of cereal. "How's your arm?" The demon was sitting on the foot of his bed staring at him with his cereal filled mouth. "Did you sleep with your helmet on?"

The Slayer nodded and motioned to his arm. It did feel somewhat better, and the bright red angry skin around the stitches had subsided. Daisy was still fast asleep in bed. He stood and hobbled into the bathroom, brushing his teeth and washing his face.

As the man left the bathroom, he saw Vega had already cleaned his armor and undersuit. He grabbed his mesh, and looked at the fabric on the shoulder, a dozen tiny black wires were severed. It would be easy to fix. He walked over to the nightstand and grabbed a notebook, 'Do you need your armor cleaned?'

"It's not that dirty, just some blood." The demon took the last bite of his cereal and drank down the milk. He then picked up his gauntlet from the pile he had placed his armor in on the floor and wiped the stains on it with his hand, "Yeah it's fine."

The Slayer was taken aback at how he could stand to wear such disgusting armor. He shook his head and grabbed the armor pile, plucking the dirty gauntlet from the demon's hands. 'This is awful, I'll clean it.'

The marauder just rolled his eyes and followed the man into the workshop, and a few minutes later a groggy Daisy followed them out.

The Slayer handed him a piece of shoulder armor, expecting him to clean it with the same precision that he did, but the demon grabbed a rag and just wiped the heavy off. The Slayer shook his head and pointed at his office chair.

"You want me to sit down?" The marauder tilted his head, then it dawned on him, "You don't like how I clean my armor?" He was tempted to stand up for himself but he realized that this tiny angry man was already being extremely nice by offering to clean his armor and he could probably snap him in half. "Fine." He sat down in the chair that felt just a bit too small, "I feel bad just watching you."

Vega answered from the ceiling, "I'm sure he appreciates the company."

They both sat in silence for a bit, the marauder stroking Daisy's head she had curled up on the desk of the Slayer's computers. "Isn't that bothering your arm?"

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