Chapter 47

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Happy 2023 y'all! You're gonna be getting a lot of Doompet chapters this year! Enjoy!

The rest of the morning was uneventful. The Slayer rested while the marauder skipped from website to website enjoying free reign of the internet. He loved news articles about the Slayer. They puffed the man up to be an untouchable idol and talked about his abs or dick in the same breath. It was great entertainment for the demon and reminded him of the articles hell once wrote about him back in his prime.

The man just napped, his body draped across the demon's chest and hips, enjoying the warmth and constant, comforting lullaby of his breathing. Until he felt a poke on his neck, making him jerk up on his hands and swing his head towards the poke, protecting his neck. He could barely form words yet as he blinked himself awake so he just growled at the annoyance, "What?"

Crüe looked adorably handsome and smug as he set the phone down, "It's almost 10 AM and you're still sleeping!"

He laid back down, realizing there was no threat, "You're one to talk, you're still laying on the couch! I'm sleeping in today."

The warmth made Crüe's muscles ache for exercise, and he could barely stand laying down any longer. He looked over at the window, which magnified his urge to go out in the warm sunshine, "I'm gonna go for a walk. Do you wanna come?"

Two tired eyes opened out of a mound on arms and hair and glared at him, "Mhhhmm... yes but I don't want to move."

He went to roll his eyes at the man, but his gaze lingered on his face, taking in the scars and facial features, so beautiful... so, so beautiful... "I'm gonna take these pajamas off and get dressed in some clothes. Are you ok with me going alone then?"

The Slayer nodded, rubbing his face, and the sensitive skin around the scar on his face, "If you want to go you can, you don't need my permission. That's a good idea to get some fresh air."

Getting ready was easy, he brushed his teeth and tossed on a T-shirt with an ARC logo and some normal black pants. As he was leaving he brought out a blanket from the bedroom and tucked the man in.

He looked up, with sleep in the corners of his eyes, "If you want me to go I can. I don't wanna diss you." After all that walking yesterday, the Slayer couldn't bring himself to do anything. He felt old; his hip and leg hurt. He did worry about the scars left on his face, belly, and leg by the Icon of sin. They healed slowly and left tender pink skin in their wake. Luckily they were almost gone.

"Get some rest, I'm gonna do some exploring." He walked over to the large window and opened one of the panels slightly. Traffic and the distant chatter of people filled the room.

The Slayer smiled and listened to all the joyous noises. It sounded like a choir to his ears.

The marauder opened the door and headed out, "See you in a bit."

"Be safe."

"I will!" He walked along hallways till he reached the elevator and took it down to the lobby. For an odd reason it felt nice to go do something all on his own for once, even if it was just a walk. He supposed he might rely on the man for a little too much.

A few people waved and he waved back. They all seemed much less terrified of him now and a little more subdued. Perhaps Samuel's press conference had helped humans not see him as a threat, but he didn't care to see if that was the case and hurried out of the building and down an alleyway.

The city was beautiful, despite the obvious scars left by the demons. He reached out and placed his hand on a pile of calcified sentient adipose, the fleshy hell growths that had taken over the city. Little plants and even a small sapling were growing out of it, despite being in a relatively shady alleyway.

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