Chapter 14

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After an hour or so of lying next to the demon the Slayer gently booped the side of the demon's face to see if he was still asleep.

"Ehhhh whachu doing?" He rolled over with his face plastered with a huge smile, rubbing his cheek into the man's touch.

The Slayer just rolled his eyes with a little laugh and withdrew his hand, but to his surprise he watched a blush form over the demon's ashy skin.

The marauder snuggled up against his chest with the bright red blush of full display across his face and blurted out three words, "I love you."

The Slayer sat up a bit, his eyes locked onto the demon, hoping it was just the painkillers.

"A lot. That's why I slept at the foot of your bed, and why I doted on you so much. I didn't have the guts to say it though." He looked up at the Slayer. Leaning back into the couch, he had a content happy look on his face, completely oblivious he had just shaken the man to his core. 

The man was absolutely dumbstruck. His mouth was wide open. This wasn't just from the painkillers. If the marauder loved him, truly, that didn't matter to the man, their relationship could still continue platonically.

But the issue was there was a little voice in the back of his head that yelled out "Me too!" when the marauder confessed he loved him. What if he loved the demon? His heart started pounding out of his chest at the thought. He practically leaped off the couch, struggling with so many emotions he didn't know what to do.

The marauder seemed to have already forgotten the confession, he laid back down and fell asleep.

The Slayer ran to the bathroom, Daisy right on his heels. He let Daisy in and slammed the door, trying to separate himself from his feelings. It was futile of course but not being in the same room as the demon certainly helped.

He took his helmet off, washed his face, and sank down to the floor, against the sink, his head in his hands.

Daisy sat beside him, nibbling at his downy blonde hair, trying to preen it.

It offered a good distraction. He looked at her and gave her a weak smile then let himself get a little choked up. 'Oh lord I think I love him.' He paused, biting down on the back of his pen, 'When he said that it felt like he hit me with a baseball bat. I haven't felt that way in eons. I know what it is, I know how love feels like. It feels like that like a baseball bat right to the heart. It knocks the breath out of you when you realize it.'

Daisy gave him an encouraging chirp.

'But being with a demon, a dude no less...' he turned to Daisy and shook his head, 'I'm not gay... right? I mean that's the least of my concerns. He's a demon as well... but I never was interested in dudes before.' He shook his head frustrated. He couldn't read his own emotions at all; this was absolutely impossible.

Daisy nuzzled into the side of his face.

He scooted her close and felt a tear run down his face. 'Daisy help.'

"I don't believe she can help but I know I can." Vega spoke down from the ceiling.

The Slayer covered his face in shame and quickly put on his helmet. 'What do you think?'

"You're a basket case right now. You don't have to decide anything yet. Relax, breathe, take care of him to take your mind off it, and listen to your emotions." Vega responded. In all honesty he thought the man should just go for it.

That was actually reasonable advice. The Slayer nodded and watched as Vega added a deep breath progress bar to his helmet. It counted how many deep breaths he took, watching the number go up made his stress go down. He took about twenty breaths before heading back out to the demon.

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