Chapter 43

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"Where is Daisy, is she alright?" The Slayer was now sitting on the couch with his hand on the marauder's shoulder. The demon was feeding the two squabs with a syringe Samuel had brought over.

"She's fine, she's in recovery right now. Yesterday, she came to me and wanted her arm blades removed. So the doctors did the procedure and heard squeaking in the vents and we found these two." Samuel sipped the hot chocolate he had poured for himself since the two men were too fixated on the beings to even move. "She should be up and about by now. We could go to the infirmary and see her."

The Slayer nodded and stood up. "Can we go right now?"

"Are you up for it?" The robot looked at Crüe.

He felt a bit nervous about walking out in public with his horns only half grown, but he wanted to see Daisy, "Of course!" He helped Samuel bundle up the little demons again and they walked to the infirmary through the back way.

The marauder was surprised at how short the walk felt now that he wasn't dizzy. He wrinkled his nose at the thought of how sick he had been, now all he had to worry about was the mild headache from his horns.

The Slayer was being extra kind and gentle to him, putting a hand around him to give him some support.

They opened a door and walked out of the stairwell into the hallway of the infirmary after a short walk, he announced, "Here we are." Samuel adjusted the bundle of squabs in his arms and opened the door to her room. "You two stay out here for a moment, let me introduce you slowly. I don't want her to hurt her hands trying to get up."

Reluctantly, they both nodded, "Ok." The Slayer paced outside the door, trying to hurry up the time it took to see her.

Samuel walked inside to see Daisy sitting up in bed with a man by her side, instructing her to grab some foam blocks that were spread across her bed. She was adamantly refusing and getting angry with the man, chirping and letting out low growls.

After a few awkward minutes of Samuel just standing there, he looked up, "Oh hello! Me and my colleague are just doing some training."

Samuel looked around the room, "Colleague?"

A woman poked her head out of the bathroom, "She bit me, I'm hiding."

Daisy hissed at seeing the woman open the door and she let out a yelp and hurried back inside. Everything about her looked upset and uncomfortable. She didn't want to be here fucking around with stupid blocks.

The marauder and Slayer couldn't take it anymore, the demon peeked inside, just in time to watch the woman hide back inside the bathroom.

He couldn't resist pestering Daisy, so he spoke up, "Daisy! What did I say about eating people?"

"I have to agree with you on this one." The Slayer nodded, patted the marauder on the shoulder, and stepped out into the room.

Daisy slowly turned her head at hearing one familiar voice and a new one. She then realized the Slayer had a voice now. Without hesitation, she leapt out of bed and into the Slayer's open arms.

He hugged her tight, "DAISY! Are you ok?" He sank to the floor, struggling to stand after all that walking.

She nodded and buried her head into his neck, chirping. When the dust had settled after the icon she was so sure they were both dead. Even when Samuel told her they were alive, even when she saw their bodies laying under tangles of machines in the infirmary from the vents she still could barely believe they were alive. She nodded happily, yes, she was ok. A strong hand touched her back and wings.

It was the marauder. He was smiling down at her, "It's good to see you alive, and your hands look amazing!"

She looked down at them and let go of the Slayer to hold them out. Both men examined her hands.

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