Chapter 64

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The chasm was filled with lava. The earth had been split open by demonic forces. The ground around the giant chasm was blistered and bright red, but the oddest thing was the color of the lava.

It was a stunning blue and white and burning so hot the Slayer could feel the heat through his suit. Bright blue flames would randomly burst through the crust of the lava like sun flares.

"Primeval lava." Crüe looked out, "It's amazing isn't it."

"What... what is it?" In all of the Slayer's years in hell, chasing the heat lower and lower into the belly of the beast, he had never seen anything like this before. "Blue lava?"

"Blue!" Daisy wiggled happily at the edge of the chasm.

"I thought it was only found in the deepest pits of hell, in obsidian caverns where nothing can survive." He looked out over the lava, "It's weird to see it on the surface. It looks like the sky fell down into a puddle."

"Is it safe?" He asked tentatively. "No demons pop out of this stuff, or it doesn't turn people into zombies, or-"

Crüe put a hand on the man's shoulder, "It's safe. When I had an apartment in Immora the entire complex I lived in was heated by a single drop of primeval lava."

"Holy shit." Samuel actually gave a little jump of joy, "Power, endless energy! Isn't that right?"

The Slayer turned to lean against the demon then remembered the camera on his head and awkwardly turned back to the lava, "Ok. I give this my stamp of approval."

As if they were waiting, suddenly a group of ARC personnel dressed in bright silver hazmat-like suits walked to the edge of the lava. Two stood out in particular as they were carrying an industrial looking white case for collecting the lava. They also had their names emblazoned on the back of their hazmat suits one was "Min" and the other was "Arsene" in bold black lettering, standing out on the bright silver.

"I want to collect the first sample." Min spoke out proudly.

Most of the other unnamed gaggle of employees nodded, not particularly excited to go any closer to the blue lava than absolutely necessary, but Arsene gasped out, "I want to get the first sample! I helped you carry this case all the way here!"

They set the case down, and they gave each other a stare worthy of a Wild West standoff. Both of them darted over to their coworkers, grabbed the long collection sticks. They bickered back and forth and Min smacked Arsene's head with one of the sticks. They both sprinted back over to the edge, leaning down over the side to be the first humans to collect the lava.

The coworkers cheered on both of them chanting their names. It felt like a little celebration.

The Slayer supervised their efforts closely. Though he was a bit disappointed when they both collected the first sample at the same time, even though he wasn't rooting for either one in particular. It was a painless affair getting the samples back to mankind's stronghold. The white containers were glowing an unholy, or maybe holy, blue.

"How come we didn't know about this before? It was only five miles outside the city!" The Slayer brought up the rear of the group with Samuel still carrying Daisy in his arms.

"Our mapping satellites have been offline for a while, who knew satellites don't like demonic scrambling? Anyways, last night a few scientists pulled all the power for the thirty or so minutes it was out and unscrambled the satellites. Then boom, we have our hit on something odd and extremely powerful near us." Samuel explained and then went into boring details the Slayer didn't care about.

The Slayer, Crüe, and marauder hurried back to their apartment. Now that the primeval lava was in the humans hands it was up to the nerds to get it to work.

The demon sat down on the couch and turned on the TV to watch his goat show. "What?!"

"What's wrong," the Slayer quickly stripped off his armor and Daisy's and sat down in his normal clothes.

He began undoing his armor as well, "It's an emergency ARC broadcast!"

Elena appeared on the TV, "Hello as you all know we have located a new power source for earth, but in order to hook up the power source and build the machines needed to utilize the primeval lava's extreme heat we have to shut down the power for twenty four hours. External wall power and hospitals won't be affected by this but residential and business will be. Thank you for your time."

Immediately the power cut abruptly and Crüe groaned, "But my goats!"

The Slayer grabbed his horns, pulling him in for a kiss. "Don't worry they will be back." He stood and looked around at the room. It was slightly dark, but the large window was letting in the hot sun. "Maybe I'll open a window, let some air in?" He could already feel the midday heat start to sink into his bones.

"Are you hot?" Crüe laughed. "You've spent eons in hell!"

"My suit has built-in cooling. I don't like hot temperatures!" he opened a window letting in slightly cooler air, but it was significantly more humid. "Damn humidity. That's the one good thing about hell. It doesn't have humidity. It's a nice dry heat."

"You sound like such a nerd. I love you." He smiled, "There can't be a difference between heat! Stuff is either hot or cold."

"Just you wait."

"I can handle the heat." He winked at the man.

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