Chapter 5

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The Slayer woke up. He was groggy and didn't remember much of what had happened, just blood, lots of blood. He looked around. He was in the infirmary lying on the operating table all stitched up. Poking at the stitches in his shoulder, he hissed in pain.

Samuel heard the Slayer and softly chimed into the room, "Good morning sweet prince."

The Slayer sleepily grunted at the ceiling and motioned to his stitched up shoulder. Then, he yawned loudly as he stretched, his muscular arms shaking ever so slightly.

Vega chimed in, "Oh that. Yep you were attacked and we got you all stitched up. It wasn't too terrible." Vega's voice had the slightest hint of anxiety to it. The Slayer and the Marauder in the same confined space? He thought back to when he used to monitor the UAC base and he watched footage of two male barons of hell fighting to the death. If he could shiver he would at the thought of the two brutes meeting again.

The Slayer's eyebrows raised when he heard Vega say 'we.' Suddenly, he remembered the marauder, the cacodemon, how he had screamed...

"You were injured on Taras Nabad by a Cacodemon. Do you remember that?" Samuel was trying to ease him into the idea of living with the marauder for a bit, but that wasn just about as easy as easing someone into a pool of red hot lava.

Nodding 'yes', the man tested his stitches, sitting up and moving his shoulder around a bit. They held beautifully, he was impressed by Vega's stitching, most of the time it was rather messy due to the jerkiness of the robotic arms.

Samuel explained what happened to him. He spoke slowly and softly. Desperately trying to glaze over the parts where they allowed the Slayer's unconscious body to be in a room with a demon that had tried to kill him repeatedly. He watched the man tense up for half a moment when he told him that the marauder was still in the fortress. Then desperately tried to glaze over it with compliments on his performance.

The Slayer stood, holding onto the table for support just for a moment. He wanted to find Daisy and make sure she was ok. God, he couldn't believe he left her behind.

Vega spoke, "They are in the kitchen. Please do not hurt him."

The Slayer shrugged at the speaker and headed towards the kitchen. He slowly turned the corner and watched the sleeping figures for a few moments. Daisy was a ball of wings on a chair, slightly shifting as she breathed. The marauder was sitting in a chair, snoring softly.

His head lolled to the side, horns clacking softly against the chair. The Slayer watched his chest rise and fall, completely vulnerable...

His hands balled into fists. After so many violent fights that left both of them gasping in agony as their wounds were stitched up, he was watching the marauder sleep. Should he wake him up? Kill him? The gleam of a kitchen knife in the pile of dirty dishes caught his attention. He tried desperately to push it to the back of his mind. No he shouldn't kill the demon... as much as he wanted to he promised Vega he wouldn't. He grabbed the marauder's shoulder and shook him awake.

Slowly, the marauder opened his eyes and jerked back from the man. The man held him firm and simply...

patted the demon's shoulder a few times. He let go and turned to scrounge through the cupboards. After losing so much blood, he could feel his body beg for food.

The marauder sat up cautiously, rubbing his shoulder and watching the man. Was that a friendly gesture? Did the DoomSlayer really never speak? Was he going to have to deal with weird, awkward physical gestures while he spent his time here? He supposed by the fact that his face wasn't blown off by a shotgun by now meant that it was truthfully a friendly gesture. He sat on the edge of his seat, figuratively and literally, making sure to never turn his back on the man.

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