19. The Tall Man..

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Here is an early update...!!

Avneet's pov continues.

He also saw me. My chest was getting heavier and heavier. I wanted someone to shake me and say that it was just a nightmare. But no..!! It was not. Jannat came to me and shook me and I came out of shock.

"What happened avni.? Why are you standing here like this..?"she asked. I was just looking at him. Soon his eyes also caught mine. I just afraid. I looked away but he...he was just staring me as if he came to find something for which he is searching from a long time.

I signed Jannat to look at the direction. As soon as she looked anger took over her. She was about to go towards him when I stopped her dragging her arm and shaking my head in no.

Just then Siddharth and Faisu came. They both were confused to see us.  especially my fear and Jannats anger. Jannat is bold girl she can fight for herself but not me. She has everyone beside her whom she loved but I..I don't have anyone beside me whom I loved.

Pov ends.

"Why are you guys here and whats happening..?" Sidd asked in confusion. We didn't said anything. Jannat came close to faisu "Faisu..! The person in front of us is the one we were talking about. To help Avni Remember..?"whispered Jannat as Faisu remembered that day.

(If you guys are confused check chapter 5. Characterless. Regular readers would surely remember....)

"What are you guys whispering..? Say it loudly.." complained Sidd. Faisu signed him to look forward. As soon as he looked forward across the road shock hugged him tightly. I mean he was shocked. Idioms  dude..!

Anger was clear on Sidd's face. It was his sinner sanding in front of him. He stepped forward to reach him but Avneet held his arm. "Please don't go. He is very dangerous please.."said Avni pleasing crying horrible. Sidd knew the fact that's why didn't went to him. On other hand the man saw it.

"Rahul..! Is she Avneet right..?"questioned a man with his dark voice with wide shoulders, tall height, black and white long beard with sunglasses and in full suit. "ya sir..! she is Avneet only.."said Rahul as he recognized the girl. "This time she won't escape..!"said the tall man and smirked.

As Avneet saw him coming towards her. she dragged Sidd and hide behind him holding him tight. "Please...I..I want to go...from here pls" said Avneet pleasing. Sidd's anger melted seeing her hiding and crying. He shifted Avneet inside car and ordered Fainat to sit in the car.

(Readers :Author full action main hai 🤣🤣)

As soon as they sat in car and Sidd started the car the tall man also rushed and ordered his men to follow them with car. Sidd's car left being followed by the tall man's car.

( Many of you must be thinking who is this TALL MAN..?? Don't worry Author will be telling you in this chapter only 🙄🙄)

Sidd was burning in anger. He was driving at a very high speed with a scared Avneet sitting beside him. Avneet was now more scared watching an angry Siddharth but she kept quite. Soon they reached home. They were still being followed by the car. "You guys go inside. I'll handle him.."Sidd ranged as he stepped out of the car. Avneet also followed him.

  "You can't fight with them Please don't go..."said Avni in pleasing and concerned tune. "I know how to handle people like them.."he said as he stepped forward going but Avni held his wrist. He looked at her. She nodded in no. Sidd was angry but he didn't wanted to hurt Avneet right now as she was already crying. They all went inside the mansion when some men stopped them, shouting to STOP..! Sidd smirked and turned to them. Avneet again hid behind Sidd. A tall man with wide shoulders,black and white long beard, sunglasses, wearing a suit came in.

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