38. Confession.

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Avneet had jumped. Sidd screamed but it was too late. She had already jumped and now was laying on floor with blood around her. Sidd took one minute to progress all the situation and ran to her kneeing at her level. He picked her head patting her cheeks and what's when he realized his hand was all red. Unknown fear, tension filled his mind.

 "Avneet open your eyes, you can't do this with us. JAI BHAI, UNCLE COME FAST." he said last part yelling. Listening his voice, everyone came out and all were speechless. They all couldn't progress anything. They didn't knew how to react. Unwillingly Reem's hands covered her mouth in shock with tears leaking her eyes. Jai slowly sat beside unconscious Avni not being able to believe anything right now. It was like time stopped for Jai as he saw her sister in blood.

Wasn't it enough for God to test them..?

But they forgot that God always gives good results of patience, silence.

Sidd was continuously shouting her name shaking her. Reem's father was understanding the situation and as Jai wasn't in condition to do anything. He called ambulance. Reem sat on Jai's level placing hand on him shoulder while he was staring his sister's body. After sometimes, his hands travelled in air and landed on Avni's forehead. He kissed her forehead passionately sobbing, failing to control himself.

 Till now ambulance had arrived. Sidd picked Avni in hurry and layed her on bed inside ambulance. Reem's father handled Jai while Sidd was in fear, hurry not to lose her. Sidd and Jai went in ambulance while Reem's family followed them by their car.

Soon they reached hospital, Avneet was taken to operation theatre. Reem's father handled the formalities of hospital. Its been 1 hour since doctor examining Avni. Sidd was standing with support of wall folding his arms towards his chest, lost while Jai was emotionless, expressionless soul.

 He wasn't in situation to hear any bad news but somewhere inside he too had a fear, fear of losing his sibling, his only sister for whom he waited so long. Reem was busy consoling Jai who herself was becoming weak time by time. Reem's parents were busy consoling Sidd. Reem's mother as a mother was also not in good situation. It was test of God, test of love.

Sidd's phone rang. He glanced to find id as 'Mom..' He understood that she is worried for him. He somehow managed to inform Reem's father and left the place. He finally left loud sobs were not ready to stop as soon as he sat in car. He somehow trued to control himself too but sometimes bursting is better than bearing. He somehow entered his home calming himself. Vaishnavi and Vibha were sitting on couch in loung while Abhi was in his room. 

For everyone he was asleep but he wasn't. Instead he will fighting with himself realizing and regreting. As soon as Vaishu's eyes caught Sidd she got tensed seeing his blue shirt blood printed. "Mom" she called Vibha sitting infront of her signing her to look back. She turned and got up in shock rushing towards Sidd who was walking blankly. "Sidd, Sidd what happened..? Why your shirt..? Look at me.." his mother burst seeing his red eyes and red shirt. "Avneet..." he took a break before speaking again. "Avni, my Avni tried to kill herself." He somehow uttered in shaky voice as he hugged her tighter. She froze at spot. 

Vaishu's hands reach her mouth astonished with tears falling as well. Vibha didn't spoke a word. His loud sobs weren't ready to stop. Vibha started caressing his back and soon apart cupping his face. "She will be fine, she has to for you." consoled Vibha in weak voice which wasn't enough to satisfy him. "You take bath, get fresh we will leave for hospital." Vibha uttered and he left immediately harshly wiping his unstoppable tears. 

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