25.Beautiful Smile.

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Here is your chappy...!!

Avneet's pov continues..

I broke the hug with tears still floating but I cared less. All I cared was my brother. He cupped my face and kissed my head  This was all I wanted. Brother's love showing that he is with me no matter what."Acha Stop weeping now. You don't look pretty crying.." snapped Jai teasing. I laughed through tears. "You didn't change.." I declared. "I wanna show you something.." said Jai. What is it..? I was curious to know. He stood aside and yelled 'Come in'. Reem came inside with a little boy. Who is he..? I looks somehow like Jai. I struggled and hugged Reem. She embraced me back vanishing all the moments I spent without her. She was my friend, childhood friend but my fate didn't wanted this friendship to live long. I didn't break the friendship but the situations led us separate.
I broke the hug. That's when Jai spoke "Won't you meet your nephew..?" My eyes widen in happiness, shock and many emotions that I even can't explain. I looked towards him. He forwarded his hand and greeted me "Hello Aunty.." I couldn't control more I immediately pulled him in my arms and started twinkling him around. He started laughing loud, enjoyed. That laugh made me remember my childhood with my family which doesn't exist now. I dropped him on his feet and pulled his cheeks. He again giggled making me laugh again. Reem chuckled looking at us.

I was so busy in Rajeet that I didn't cared what others were doing.

Pov ends.

Soon Abhi paced till Jai and hugged him patting his back. "Welcome bro.." welcomed Abhi to which Jai thanked " Thank you for welcoming and also...for taking care of my sister.." he paused in between before continuing. Abhi shook his head. " This credit goes to Sidd.." said Abhi which left Jai confused. "Sidd..Um...Siddharth right..?" Questioned Jai getting point to which Abhi nodded and signed Vaishu to call Sidd. She nodded and within no time she came with Sidd behind her. "Yes bhai..! You called me..?" asked Sidd with a sleepy voice. "Yes little brother..! Meet Jaijeet Singh brother of Avneet and Jai meet..." before he could complete Jai spoke "Siddharth Nigam." and hugged him. Sidd was confused at first but as Abhi signed he hugged him back.

"Thank you so much for whatever you are doing for my sister. I don't know how to thank you.."  declared Jai to which Sidd just smiled.

Sidd's Pov

How can I tell you that I have feelings for your sister. The one who changed me, my thoughts everything is your sister. How should I tell her I fell for her even after knowing that she will never accept me after whatever happened in the college. I am so helpless.

My eyes caught Avneet who was laughing, smiling with a boy. Her real smile, and my fake arrogance doesn't have any match.

I was thinking all this but I can never make her mine. Jai shook me. "What happened? Are you okay..?" asked Jai. I nodded. Avneet's head snapped towards me. I was just smiling at her when she returned it back and I was memorized. Her beautiful smile. She came towards me. My heartbeat was rating at highest speed. She looked down maybe searching for words. She looked at me. "Thank you because of you I got my brother. If you hadn't stood for me. I would have never met my brother." She said looking down. I lifted her chin from my index finger and we lost ourself in each other. Suddenly Reem fake coughed we separated from each other.

We both were looking down. I don't know why but ultimately a blush appeared on my face which was noticed by Abhi bhai and Vaishu bhabhi.

Bhabhi made lunch and dinner for Jai and Reem. Now I also got attached with Rajeet

Pov ends.

It was evening by now. Everyone was sitting in living hall with tensed faces. Sidd was sitting on rocking couch while Avneet was sitting with Jaireem holding tears and Abhinavi on one couch.

"We need to collect the proofs against Ram before he does anything."  Said Sidd seriously and worried. "You are right..My sister already suffered a lot. I don't want her to duffer more." Said Jai worried eyeing Avneet who was sitting next to him. "Do you have any idea, Any proof or anything from which can prove Avneèt innocent.." asked Sidd raising his eyebrows at Jai who suddenly got a clue. "Yes.." proclaimed Jai all of a sudden surprising Sidd.

" proclaimed Jai all of a sudden surprising Sidd

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