33.Eve of emotions

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Title credits sidneet230
Here is your chappy..
Everyone in the court started to exit while all the family members got relieved. The criminal Ram was being dragged towards bars when Sidd ordered "Stop..!!" The police stopped and all came outside the court room, the corridor. Avneet stood in front of Ram with unstoppable tears falling from her eyes. Her anger rose.

All the pain he gave in all these years, it was the time for the return. She slapped him hard causing his cheek become red. Sidd who was behind her held her from shoulders. "It was the response to all those shits you did to me from the first day. Today is my day." She added and turned to other side sobbing. Sidd took steps near Ram and smirked.

"I told you pretty well that let's see who wins and who loses and today it is in front of you. Congratulations for your lifetime punishment." exclaimed Sidd taking Avneet from there who was crying badly till now leaving Ram burning in his own fire.

As soon as they reached outside, they were surrounded by media, blocking their way. Avneet knew they would ask everything. Many were murmuring that why she blamed Ram..? Was he really at fault..? What is Ram and her relationship..? What is her relationship with Sidd..? She was crying more badly now. Some were adding salts on her woumds and some wanted to take her inerview for their publicity. Police officers were busy pushing them aside. They all crossed them hardly and finally went at backyard of court building.

He made her sit on bench and left to bring a juice for her while Jaireen were sitting with her consoling her. He came back and fit the straw in juice gripping it in his hand and signing her to drink. She drank a little and calm down. "Bhai..! Please hold it for me." requested Sidd to Jai who was sitting next to Avneet while Sidd was bend down. Jai passed the juice to Raj who got exited seeing juice bottle.

Seeing him anyone would say that he can cry any time. Reem noticed it and to divert his mind she left with him to a toy shop in front of court but hiding herself from media.

Here Sidd sat on his knee and cupped Avneet's face caressing it gently. "Avni everything is fine now, why are you crying now. You should be happy your parents, your brother and you got justice but you are crying like this." tried explaining Sidd keeping his other hand on Jai's hand as he saw him getting weak. Jai looked at Sidd with shed eyes.

"Sidd..!" Jai called out and Sidd looked at him. "You really did a lot for us. I can't explain it in words." Jai thanked Sidd to which Sidd shook his head. "Please don't embarrass me like this. You needed me." said Sidd to which Jai hugged him. Avneet was watching them with shed eyes and small but cute smile on her face. Sidd and Jai looked at her.

"Thank you so much Sidd. These are tears on happiness. I never thought I would see a day when Ram would get punishment for whatever he did." explained Avneet to which Sidd again cupped her face. "No matter how much one has power, if he/she is wrong power doesn't give anything in return." uttered Sidd and Avneet nodded proudly. "Sidd I think we should leave, it's already late and it takes 2 hours to our home." Jai stated politely and Sidd nodded. Jai left to call Reem.

Abhinavi also came till now. They were informed about the rush and crowd of media. Police were there for them. They were at a distance standing at stairs watching them. Vaishu was happy as well as worried about Abhi's behavior with Sidd while she happy for Sidd and Avni.

She knew both have feelings for each other but haven't said anything as she want Sidd to confess himself only. As soon as Jai left they came down from stairs imfront of backyard.

There Avni and Sidd were deeply swimming in ocean of eyes. Their eyes were filled with unrecognized and incomplete emotions. Eyes had many thing in them. "Thank You once again." scoffed Avni hesitated but comfortable. Sidd just smiled still drowning in her chocolate ocean of eyes. Just then Abhinavi came and Vaishu fake coughed. Sidd stood up ultimately while Avni was still sitting hiding her blush. Vaishu sat next to Avni and hugged her.

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