11. Hiding..

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Avneet's Pov

Finally I settled everything. I don't know why but after everything what happened, I apologized. Our Elders are right "Apology is a lovely perfume, it can transform the clumsiest moment into the gracious gift which gives you peace ".

Now I was walking towards my room because the lectures are over now and its free time. I opened the door of my room and saw Jannat doing something on laptop. I walked towards her and this madam was this much busy in her work that she didn't even notice me. I sat on my bed holding my legs and glaring at her, and finally, this time, she saw me. " Where were you..?" She snapped a question raising her eyebrow. "Woh... I went with Faisu.." I said shortly.

She kept her laptop on the side and stared at me "You went with Faisu..Where ?" ugh I hate people asking each and every detail of me. It's my life Let me live it though. "To his room ..." I said snapping my head away and started scrolling my phone. Jannat came to my bed and sat there no-no Jumped there. "What are you up to..??" now she was irritating me. I left my phone and sat straight "I went to apologize for hurting someone.." she stared at me like I am a ghost. "Is this someone Siddharth ..?" she was a little angry.

I just nodded. "Why..? What you did do with him..?" she again asked with a lot of concern in her voice. I got irritated "Jannat please no more questions.."I said and lay down with a blanket on me. " Ya I'm only wrong..!! I don't know why you and Faisu always have to go against me.." she said walking back to the bed and of course looking at me but I closed my eyes avoiding any new conversation.

I heard Jannat's frustrated voice but I ignored it and closed my eyes. Suddenly some thoughts flew into my mind the eye contact, those deep eyes. I was smiling like an idiot with my eyes still closed and I didn't know when slept took over me.

End of Pov

2 Days Later

Avneet was sitting in the library absorbed in the book. It was early morning so no one was in the library except a maid cleaning the shelf and arranging everything .After that incident , Avneet is feeling some pleasure whenever she is around Siddharth and she doesn't know why is it so. Jannat came in library and saw Avneet absorbed in the book.

"..Avneet.."Jannat called her and her head snapped towards Jannat. "Principle announced that all girls should be there in the ground for assembly ."Jannat said, Avneet nodded "Come fast," Jannat said before leaving.

Avneet's pov

Jannat informed me about the assembly and went. I marked the page where I left and went to my room to change. I reached my room, threw my bag on the bed and went near my closet for choosing a dress, and went for changing. I left my room and went to the ground where I saw Jannat standing there ready waiting for me.

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