8. Am I like that..?

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Jannat's pov

                                   How can he even think like that . I am a free minded person .I don't like to see anyone on the way towards my dream . My family also supports me for the reason because they know that I'm ziddi and if I have took a decision then I won't listen to anyone not even my parents. I went downstairs and saw Faisu crossing canteen . I went to him . He was going somewhere I don't know where and I also didn't wanted to know because I was angry . I went to him and as soon as he saw me he stopped and started his questioning session.

"Jannat where were you.? What took you soo long ..?" he snapped questions towards me . "Nothing let's go . I am very angry.."I stepped forward when he held my wrist and turned me towards him facing each other . 

"Why are you angry ..?"He asked me as he sensed my anger . I tried to control my emotions and anger inside me which was boiling at high temperature ."I bumped into a spoiled brass . That's it . Now let's go.." was my short and unsatisfactory answer ."Is that spoiled brass Siddharth..?"he again snapped and my blood again started boiling .

"Can we talk about it later ."That was my short answer . I seriously didn't wanted to talk about him but the only thing that Faisu was only talking about was him . "No I want to know it now.." He again stated being very concerned and now I couldn't control anymore and I burst because he was continuously talking about the topic which I was avoiding. 

"You want to know right ..?" I asked him with anger in my tone . He simply nodded as he know if something slipped from his tongue and hurt me I would burst ."Your best friend loves me . He proposed me and he wants to spend his whole life with me .." I stated with anger in voice and in dramatically way .

"WHAT..!!"was his short and shocking answer. Wait...why is he acting as if he doesn't know anything about it . "Why are you acting as if you don't know anything about it ?" I asked him with a relief . " Because he never told me about it and I being his bff also didn't came to know about it ..". Means he also didn't knew about it .

"Well.. What did you answer then..?" he was questioning me as he doesn't know about me or my personality . " Of course I rejected ..Who would choose a person who is like Siddharth." I said justifying myself and frustrated voice . I looked at Faisu,he was progressing the whole matter . I rolled my eyes "Come on its not a big deal . Let's go ." I said changing the topic and I really was changing the topic . 

Faisu looked at me " Jannat I think your rejection must have hurt him..Maybe he is not like that as he looks ." "Oh come on..! Why didn't you lectured him when he judged Avneet's character.?"Faisu interrupted me in between " How do you know that I scolded him or not . I didn't talked to him for 1 freaking day...What else you want Jannat.."He said getting angry and being concerned towards Siddharth . And this Siddharth was getting on my nerves now . I didn't said anything and went from there leaving Faisu alone 

( Jannat is a positive role . Don't think that She is negative but open minded)

Faisu's Pov.

                                The things I heard from Jannat are you correct..? Why didn't Sidd told me anything related to it .? Wait Where is he .? What is he doing.? My eyes widen as soon as I started to think about it .Fear was forming a building inside me . Has he harmed himself ..?? No no no what are you thinking Faisu . Go and search for him. 

I ran from there and started searching for him . First I went to canteen but he was not there then I went to ground then coridoor but he was no where found . 

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