42.Good News

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Here is another cute chappy...!

Sidd forwarded the spoon and Avni opened her mouth taking it in. "You have to finish it fully alright..?" Ordered Sidd like a doctor to which Avni chuckled saying "if you feed me with your own hands, I will eat with pleasure.". Sidd chuckled at her statement and started filling the spoon with soup. Avni opened her mouth and like this she finished one full bowl of soup. "Now you take rest so that you can recover as soon as possible." suggested Sidd placing the bowl on the table beside bed. He stood up to cover her when she held his wrist. "You won't leave right..?" asked Avneet as fear held her all of a sudden. She wondered as it's a dream and the moment she closed her eyes everything would be back as before. Sidd smiled at her assuring that it's not a dream. "I'm here only. Will meet the doctor and come back alright..?" informed Sidd holding her hand. "Promise..!" Asked Avni again assuring not confirmed if it is really happening or not. "Pinky promise." promised Sidd as she smiled and he layed her down covering her with the warm duvet which was only covering her legs. She closed her eyes watching him setting the duvet and slept in no time. He gently placed a soft kiss on her forehead as she smiled and left the room silently.

At Nigam's Mansion, 

There was no one in living hall, everyone was busy in their own way. Their mom in her room taking rest while Vaish in her room sitting on bed smiling to herself. This news was not only good for her but for the relationship she shares with Abhi too. She was continuously looking at herself through mirror smiling at herself and after this news anyone could be very happy just like she was now. She was so desperate to tell it to Abhi. She knew he would be happy. She wasn't angry on him rather she was playing with him, enjoying it while Abhi whenever tried to apologize she would not say anything which was eating Abhi from inside. 

She was still smiling and deciding to tell it to Abhi at the right time when Abhi entered the room silently. She glanced at the door and immediately made a cold face but she only knew how she controlled her happiness. Abhi signed looking down and paced till her sitting beside her. Seeing this Vaish just stood up to go when Abhi held her wrist and that's what she really wanted. She turned towards him as Abhi pulled her arms making her face him. "Vaish, atleast talk to me. I am not able to tolerate it anymore. Your ignorance is hurting me." declared Abhi as Vaish looked down with guilt somewhere. "I apologized to everyone and no one is this much mad at me as you are." pleaded Abhi.

Vaish smiled "Should I forgive your daddy little one..?" asked Vaish keeping her hand on her stomach which left Abhi confused. "My little one is saying yes so, I am forgiving you. Be happy.." expressed Vaish leaning her head up looking at him while he was still confused. Somewhere he also has doubt about it but he struggled it off. "Little one..? Who is this little one..?" asked Abhi confused. Vaish encircled her arms around his neck. "It's our baby." whispered Vaish leaning to his ear. Abhi got exited and stunned at the same time listening such a big news.

He pulled her by her arms facing him. "are you serious..?" asked Abhi getting over exited all of a sudden. "I am very serious. You are gonna be father soon." informed Vaish making him realize that it's true. Abhi pulled her into a bone crushing hug swinging her in air while Vaish was shouting happily to leave her. "Thank you thank you so much Vaish. I can never forget this gift you gave me." thanked Abhi multiple time in excitement putting her down while Vaish blushed hard. "You get ready we will visit doctor, I will go and surprise mom." said Abhi in excitement and turned towards the washroom door. Taking two steps he realized he should go in hall and he is leaning to washroom. He rubbed his neck while Vaish pointed towards the room door. Chuckling Abhi left in excitement while Vaish burst into laughter seeing over exited Abhi. His excitement was on the top level.

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