36. Divorced.

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Here is the chapter..! Spam and shower your love.


Everything was unexpected for everyone. Its been 4 days, Sidd didn't talked with his brother and tried to call Avneet but she didn't exchanged a word with him. Abhi's words lead her in depression. She was quite, like a body without soul, lacking her diet. Sidd was worried, tensed for her. He was thinking that she is ignoring him that she was. She didn't wanted him to stand against his brother for her. Sidd was having guilt for all the hate he had for his mom in these years. He also contacted her but she wasn't available.

It was evening, Nigam's were at dining table eating silently. Vaishu looked at Sidd then Abhi and signed in disrelief. Suddenly the door opened and their mother came inside with a suitcase in her hand and tears dried on cheeks. Bua arrived in dining room and stood behind Abhi. "Beta, your mother arrived at the door." she left informing them. Sidd and Abhi looked at each other with surprised eyes and left the room with Vaishu following them. "Mom..!" Abhi called out as soon as he saw her. She smiled at him wiping her tears.

Abhi held her hands. "Mom what happened..? You here at this time..?" asked Abhi being curious and worried. She sweetly smiled at them. Sidd held her shoulder and made her sit on couch in hall with Sidd sitting on knees on one side while Abhi sitting on his knees on other side. Their mom placed her hands on Sidd's and Abhi's face cupping gently. Sidd placed his hand on her hand cupping his face and kissed her palm. "You both needed me that's why god send me here with you two. Now we will live peacefully, forever." said their mother with a humorous chuckle and tears in her eyes.

"Mom pls tell us every thing. Please" pleaded Abhi. "Your so called father divorced me." sounded their mother in peaceful yet painful voice. Her both sons didn't expected this, both were stunned. Abhi was astonished to say anything while Sidd was angry. Vaish sat beside her mother in law comforting her. Sidd stood and passed Abhi going to break his so called father's ego when Abhi held his arm. "Sidd, where are you going..?" asked Abhi politely. Sidd turned towards him. By now his anger was on top, his eyes were red. "I want answers. I want him to answer why he did this with my mom..?" ranted Sidd angrily. Abhi was about to say something but his mother spoke in between. "Its of no use my dear.". They both didn't got he point. She stood up and held their hands. She placed her palm on top of Abhi and Sidd's hands gripping on them.

"I myself needed divorce. I asked him to free me from this so called relationship of husband and wife." said Vibha mother in painful voice as tear fell from her eyes. "Mom, but why..? You spent your whole life with him and now divorce." asked Abhi in weak voice. She cupped her face. "Beta, forced and one sided relationships are never successful. He started taunting me, forcing me not to talk to you guys, even not once in a month. Years back, I didnt had any choice and I had to do it for you but now. I have 2 sons who earn money and we can live together. I don't need anything now except you both." explained his mother and it touched their heart sharply as a knife.

Sidd looked at Vaish who also glanced at him smiling nodding. He was guilty and whatever she told him was right. He, who had many complains from his mother till yesterday didn't had any complain now. Their mother hugged both of them and peace ran down her spine hugging her sons together after years. And at last everyone did a family hug including Vaishu.

At Nandra's home

There Avneet was sitting in her room filled with darkness. Her head rested on bed and she herself laying on bed staring the window ahead which was being reflected by the water of swimming pool. Her room was infront of swimming pool. Her eyes red, puffy with tears still leaking her eyes. She wasn't even blinking her eyes. Abhi's voice and many other voices cursing her were running in her mind as a storm. She was dead inside. Her room's door opened and Reem with Raj came inside.

Raj sat near Avni. "Di, see we bought food for you." He said in his baby voice. When he didn't got any reponse he looked at his mother with a pout. Reem got tears by now. "Avneet bebu is calling you. Have something. You haven't eaten anything Avni. Don't do this with yourself." declared Reem wailing. Avni didn't moved. Reem wiped her cheeks "Raj bebu, go and call dad." ordered Reem and Raj left the room. Reem placed her hand on Avni's head caressing her hair. "Avni have something pls" requested Reem. Avni came in senses and sat on bed "I am not hungry Reemi. I don't wish to eat." she said in dull voice. Reem kept her hand on her shoulder.

Sometimes someone's wrong blame scatters the person from inside.

"Avneet after bearing everything, you should have become strong but seeing you makes me realize that instead of becoming strong you became more weak." exclaimed Reem with worried face. "I was strong but as long as I knew Sidd is with me and his family too. But Abhi bhai blaming me made me more weak. The one whom I considered my elder brother is blaming me only. I wish I wouldn't have been so close to them so today I wouldn't be this much hurt." stated Avni in strong voice but ended up sobbing badly.

Jai heard it who was standing on door. Reem hugged Avni tightly. She herself couldn't control herself. Water was leaking her eyes as waterfall. Jai stepped inside. He paced till Avneet and sat down. Jai kept a hand on her head. "Avi, till how long will you wait. I thought Sidd would come and talk to you but I think he also forgot you after Abhi's scolding." sounded Jai disappointed. Avni wiped her tears and sat straight controlling her sobs. "No, he would come. He will surely come. I trust him. I know he..he loves me. He..he will accept me." mumbled Avni in inaudible voice.

"I trust you, let's have dinner together. What you both say..?" asked Jai cheering the tensed environment. Avni nodded and all left for dinner.

In Nigam's mansion

As it was night, Abhi and Sidd slept in their rooms. Vaishu was with Vibha, her mother-in-law. Vibha exhaled a deep breath. "Abhi is not right. He is punishing that innocent soul." said Vibha in painful voice. "I have been thinking what would she be going through after listening all this. Abhi knows Ram better than me his intentions, everything." voiced Vaish in low weak voice. Her mother-in-law placed her hand on Vaish's.

"Don't worry beta, Abhi never refuses me." Her mother-in-law said proudly. "Hope so Aunty." said Vaishu in hopeful voice. "Call me Mom beta, consider me your mom. I always said Abhi and Sidd that I won't ever consider their wifes as my daughter-in-law. But I will consider them my own daughters." said Vibha smiling, in cheerful voice. "Sure Au...Mom." called Vaishu. Vibha's happiness was beyond limits. He hugged Vaishu and both stayed like feeling the pleasure.

 He hugged Vaishu and both stayed like feeling the pleasure

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How was the chappy.?

Next one will be a little self-harm. I not at all support it.

Target= 90 votes and 100 comments.✌


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