Chapter Fourteen

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Luna and Sherlock are sat in a vacant room in Mycroft's mansion. There's a small wooden table, a few chairs scattered around it and a fireplace behind Sherlock. Mycroft is sat at the head of the table, giving Luna an apprehensive look.

"I'm not an assassin." she laughs slightly, she knew where the Holmes' brother's minds were going.

"What are you then? Because you knocked our American friend out easily," Mycroft asks

"I'm assuming you collected a file on me when I moved into 221C," Luna looks over to Mycroft and from the quirk of his brow, she knows she's right "I'd like to see it," Mycroft doesn't respond and Luna sighs "otherwise I won't be speaking a word to you,"

"I can have you removed,"

"And risk upsetting your little brother?" Luna asks in a patronizing tone and Mycroft looks to his brother, who's staring at Luna with interest. Mycroft sighs, standing to open a small cabinet where he then dumps a thick file in front of Luna, although they all knew it was rather thin compared to others.

As he sits again, Luna smirks at the large letters reading 'LUNA MOORE'.

She starts flicking through the pages and notices there's flight records and dates of wherever she went for the photography jobs, and photographs of her in several different countries.


"What?" Mycroft asks, sensing the humour in her voice

"My middle name isn't here. I thought you would have worked that out,"

"We...didn't find any record of one," Mycroft sounds embarrassed


"Don't feel too bad brother, many British Citizens don't have middle names. It was a simple assumption. Shame it was wrong," Sherlock says, and a hint of humour laces his voice as he side eyes Mycroft.

"Thank you," Luna closes the file, crossing her legs as she pulls back her chair slightly.

"Now, back to the matter at hand. Are you planning on continuing your residence at 221C?"

"Yes," Luna turns to him "I have a job and a flat. I have friends," Lina accidentally glances towards Sherlock "I have a life that I've built. It wasn't just a lie to get into Sherlock's life,"

Luna takes a deep breath "I just did what Irene said, she was paying me enough. She recommended I move to Baker Street; I didn't know anything until she told me. And I refused to help,"

"Yet you came tonight,"

"How do you know I was here for her?" Luna snaps at Mycroft

"Well, who else?"

"Me," Sherlock answers quietly "she came for me,"

"I didn't know what her and Moriarty's plan was..."

Mycroft looks at his brother and Luna, and he notices the way they were looking at each other. Luna was telling the truth and Sherlock really would be upset if Mycroft had Luna killed.

"I just want to go home," Luna explains

"I'm sure it can be arranged," Mycroft starts softly "I will need you to do something for me though,"

"I wouldn't expect anything else,". And with that, the conversation was over. Mycroft had promised to be in touch and Luna was too tired to negotiate anything, so her and Sherlock were shoved in a car and were driven back home.


Back at 221, Luna had swapped her jacket for a soft cardigan, and was sat in John's chair opposite Sherlock. She supposed she should explain a few things.

"I really am just a photographer that lives bellow you," Luna starts slowly "I never had any intent to lie to you or betray you,"

"You just never disclosed certain information," Sherlock says bitterly

"You never asked,"

"Yes, well how was I supposed to know you could easily kill a man,"

"So, could you," Luna raises a challenging brow and Sherlock knew she was right, he knew how to murder anyone if he had to.

"My parents were MI6," that caught Sherlock's attention "My grandma looked after me a lot, but my parents finally retired when I was six. They brought a house in the country and they..." Luna takes a deep breath and Sherlock leans forward to show he's interested and listening

"They loved me, they played with me, they taught me themselves, I was home-schooled. I was so happy to have my parents back. It's only when I visited my Nan more I noticed. She would talk to me differently, play games with me differently."

Luna looks Sherlock in the eye "They were training me...They made an enemy and some files got leaked. I was 15 when they said they were going on a business trip for a few months. I stayed at my Nan's and..." Luna looks away, out into the London streets and Sherlock notices the tears starting to form in her eyes.

"Mum didn't come back. Dad did but he thought someone was going to kill me. He became obsessed with it...So he started outwardly training me, He taught me everything MI6 taught him..." Luna wipes away a tear "I eventually got old enough to leave, I couldn't take it. He was so paranoid..." Sherlock has stayed silent throughout the entirety of Luna's explanation and she stands, going to the window.

"I was put in protection services, stayed with my Nan again. I got out a few years ago. I had been trained to kill people and hack into government facilities. Not live. It just so happened I was good at taking photographs, my nan got me in touch with a few people. That's how I met Irene. She liked having someone not as well known...someone who could keep her secrets. She told some of her clients about me and business started picking up,". Luna explained and Sherlock stood, coming to stand by her by the window.

"Do you...keep in contact with your father?" he asks and Luna shakes her head.

"He sends me message occasionally...But I can't," Luna finally loses it and breaks down in tears, Sherlock turns to her and pulls her into his arms, her crying gets harder. She hadn't told anyone about her life in years. Irene knew bits, but she never knew the full extent, and Luna has just told Sherlock Holmes everything, and now he was hugging her. Luna wrapped her own arms around him and attempted to calm herself down, she knew he was probably extremely uncomfortable, so pulled away.

"Thank you," Luna nods and so does Sherlock, it's awkward and Luna goes to leave "I should be -"

"Thank you as well," Luna turns back to him "For telling me, I know it was hard. And thank you for helping me earlier. If you didn't put in the code -"

"I know, it's fine," Luna smiles "What are friends for?" she leaves and Sherlock smiles, a large, genuine smile.

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