Chapter Three

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"Er, the position of the car relative to the hiker at the time of the backfire. That and the fact that the death blow was to the back of the head. That's all you need to know," Luna smirks as she hears a familiar voice in Irene's living room, she adjusts her satchel and gives Kate a small wave when she pops her hear around one of the doors.

"Okay, tell me: how was he murdered?"

"He wasn't,"

"You don't think it was murder?"

"I know it wasn't,"


"It's obvious," Luna starts, walking into the room, gaining the eyes of John and Sherlock, who vaguely recognise her voice.

"And you are...?" Sherlock stares at her, looking her up and down  where she's wearing a short, blue dress and star boots.

"None of your business,"

"My assistant," Luna scoffs as she walks to sit on the edge of the sofa John and Irene were sat on

"That would be Kate, not me," Luna clarifies

"Photographer," Sherlock says quickly after trying to figure her out, it seemed to be the only thing he got.

"Exactly," Luna smirks - Sherlock hadn't realised he'd only got that because she had begun tapping on her bag.

"How do you know it wasn't murder?" Irene asks Sherlock again

"I told you -" Luna says annoyed

"I know what you think," Irene taps her leg in a way to tell her to shut up, naturally drawing Sherlock's eyes to Luna more.

"And I'm right!" Luna sighs, Sherlock glances over her again, yet he doesn't infer anything from her appearance, other than photographer.

"I know the same way that I know the victim was an excellent sportsman recently returned from foreign travel and that the photographs I'm looking for are in this room,"

"Okay, but how?" Irene continues asking

"So, they are in this room. Thank you. John, man the door. Let no-one in," John gets up and leaves, shutting the door behind him, Luna goes to take his place on the sofa.

"Two men alone in the countryside several yards apart, and one car," Sherlock starts pacing

" Oh. I – I thought you were looking for the photos now,"

"No, no. Looking takes ages. I'm just going to find them but you're moderately clever and we've got a moment, so let's pass the time," he turns to her "Two men, a car, and nobody else. The driver's trying to fix his engine. Getting nowhere. And the hiker's taking a moment, looking at the sky. Watching the birds? Any moment now, something's gonna happen. What?" Sherlock continues looking around the room.

"The hiker's going to die,"

"No, that's the result. What's going to happen?" Luna adds and in Sherlock's mind, she's also sat on the sofa with Irene at the scene.

"I don't understand,"

"Oh, well try to,"


"Because you cater to the whims of the pathetic and take your clothes off to make an impression. Stop boring me and think," Luna smirks at Sherlock and he puts on a sarcastic voice "It's the new sexy,"

"I must be irresistible," Luna mutters quietly - joking to herself but Sherlock cocks his head to the side.

"The car's going to backfire,"

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