Chapter Sixteen

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Luna and John rarely got to spend time together, sure they both spent time around Sherlock and Luna was in 221b almost daily, claiming living in the lower level of 221 was too dark for her to concentrate. So, the woman spent a lot of time on Sherlock and John's sofa. However, John and Luna rarely got to just sit and talk as friends. Although, they weren't talking now. Luna was typing away on her laptop as she sat in Sherlock's seat and John was in his own chair, working on his blog.

The bliss was interrupted however, by the front door slamming down below. Luna sighed as she heard a familiar harsh set of steps coming up the stairs.

The living room door bursts open and Sherlock charges in, he slams the end of a long pole from a harpoon down on the ground and Luna looks up from her laptop, her eyes scanning the man's body and clothes which were covered in blood.

"Jesus Christ!"

John turns around to look at Sherlock after his friend's exclamation, his eyes widening.

Sherlock looks between Luna and John, breathing heavily "Well, that was tedious,"

"You went on the Tube like that?!" John asks, completely shocked

"None of the cabs would take me," Sherlock says irritably, before turning and leaving the room. Luna turns to John and they share a look of exasperation.


Later, Sherlock is back in the living room, having cleaned himself up and changed into clean shirt and trousers with one of his blue dressing gowns over the top. He is still carrying the harpoon and is pacing rapidly between the door and the window, looking round repeatedly at John and Luna, who're still sitting how they were prior to him coming in, except John is reading a newspaper.

"Nothing?" Sherlock asks John who was skimp reading to try and find case.

"Military coup in Uganda,"

"Hmm," Sherlock keeps pacing as John chuckles in amusement when he sees something in one of the papers.

"Another photo of you with the, er ..." John points to a photograph of Sherlock wearing the deerstalker hat. Sherlock walks over to look at it and makes a disgusted noise when he sees it before continuing pacing. John moves on to another newspaper.

"There's a Cabinet reshuffle," Luna tells Sherlock as she scrolls through several news websites, still in his chair.

"Nothing of importance!" Sherlock slams the end of the harpoon onto the ground and practically screams in anger "Oh, God!" he looks over to John intensely.

"John, I need some. Get me some,"

"No," John keeps reading.

"Get me some," Sherlock says more intensely.

"No," He points sternly at him "Cold turkey, we agreed, no matter what,"

Sherlock sighs, leaning the harpoon against the kitchen table before starting to pace again.

"Didn't you pay everyone off?" Luna asks, finally actually looking up from replying to emails, Sherlock 'hmphs'.

"No-one within a two-mile radius will sell you any," John adds.

"Stupid idea. Whose idea was that?" Sherlock stops shuffling through papers for a moment and John looks round at him and clears his throat pointedly. Sherlock sighs, looking his head towards the door.

"Mrs Hudson!" he shouts down the stairs, before he then starts throwing the paperwork about, desperately searching.

"Look, Sherlock, you're doing really well," Luna sighs "Just go for a walk or something," she then rethinks that "But not a 2-mile walk," Sherlock keeps searching 

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