Chapter Six

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A/N: I know chapters are short, but I split them up how I think it works best. Comments and Votes are highly appreciated! 


At St Bartholomew's Hospital, Sherlock , Luna and Mycroft walk along a corridor to the morgue, Sherlock and Luna's coats flapping behind them. They go through a door and Molly is waiting inside, having changed into trousers and a Christmassy jumper - her lab coat open over the top of her clothes. Luna had also changed attire, jewellery gone, a hoodie and long trench coat open over her dress and some sketchers on in replacement of her heels.

A body is lying on the table covered with a sheet and the three walk up to it, Luna between the men.

"The only one that fitted the description. Had her brought here – your home from home," Mycroft tells his brother

"You didn't need to come in, Molly," Sherlock says to the woman

"That's okay. Everyone else was busy with ... Christmas," Looking awkward, she gestures to the body "The face is a bit, sort of, bashed up, so it might be a bit difficult," she pulls down the sheet and reveals the 'bashed up' face.

"That's her, isn't it?" Mycroft asks the two. Luna squints at the face, trying to figure it out.

"Could you... Show the rest?" Luna asks awkwardly and Molly walks along the side of the table, pulling back the sheet as she goes. Sherlock doesn't look at the body, instead at Luna's face as she grimaces at the scars and blood over the body "That's her," Luna quickly turns around "Thanks Molly...Mycroft," she nods and walks out, Sherlock nodding to Molly before following.

"Were you two close?" Sherlock asks quietly from behind Luna as she looks outside into the snow.

"Hm," Luna laughs slightly "You could say that," Sherlock comes to stand next to her "I was just her photographer, did a few favours..."

"Did you two ever...?" he keeps questions, trying to comfort her.

"Once," Luna says quickly "I was tipsy and sad. It was good, but nothing there," Sherlock nods and they stare out, small tears start to slip down Luna's eyes.

"Are you okay?"

"Probably not, maybe more upset about the lack of pay check," she tries to Joke but Sherlock awkwardly beings her into his arms, giving her an uncomfortable hug. Luna wraps her own arms around him and her face is shoved into his chest, letting her breathe in the subtle cologne. It was... nice. Luna pulls away first, wiping a few tears.

"Thanks," she nods awkwardly "Sorry I missed you playing earlier, I was looking forward to it," she smiles up at him and he nods

"Perhaps another time. Me and John -" Luna's phone beeps and she grabs it

"Sorry," she quickly reads the message "It seems I have I have a shoot in Majorca, they're booking me a flight now," she looks up at him "I've got to go pack..."

"No yeah... " he gestures and she nods, walking away.

"Thanks for the hug, I'm sure you hated it. I appreciate it," Sherlock nods and watches her leave as Mycroft steps forward with a cigarette, having watched the whole thing. He'd have to investigate the seemingly harmless downstairs neighbour.

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